Friday, January 08, 2016

Richard Roehm Memorial Ranch Blog for January 8th, 2016

Friday, January 8, 2016, 1900 Hrs, 41 degrees, fair.

Today was a bit busy for me. Today the weather is clear with a fair sky and the high is in the low 50’s, no wind at all. How wonderful!

I managed to remove the standing water on the ground to get mud to dry up faster so I can work outside better when it fully dries up. Finally, the front of the unit has stopped dripping! Hopefully I can finish up sealing around the roof tomorrow, but I still need an roll of aluminum tape as I mentioned a few days ago. I will also try to seal up around the exterior window edges with silicone.

I also cleaned up the mess here in my RV and removed most of the dry mud on my doorstep. I still need 3 pallets, a small sheet of plywood and a fake hard grass doormat that would prevent tracking in more mud when I enter my RV.

I took a nap for a couple of hours today and to find out when I woke up that we sold 2 more items from our eBay Store. I went into our trailer and pulled them out and it was easy for me to find them, wrapped them and labeled them and will take them to P.O. tomorrow because eBay only allowed me to mark tomorrow as the shipping day.

After that, I spent another 2 hours fixing up errors in our eBay Store, during that time I noticed that HotSpot wasn’t running fast as it should be, there was no warning about running out of limited space. I will check tomorrow to see if it is back to normal speed.

That’s about it for the weekend. Hope you all have a great weekend and stay warm!

Bobby Fleener

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