Official communication outlet of the Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center. Our official press releases and situational responses are found here.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Hearing Parents: Good Relationship with a Deaf Child
Note: This blog is dedicated to my closest friends who've been mentoring me for years and also to my loving parents who tried their best to provide me love as they could.

Social Suicide Note
NTID-Related Exhibits Planned at Imagine RIT Fest
More Than One Perspective
IST (In-Service Training)
Facebook Status Updates
Photos from our trip
PEEPs in the Park April 2012
It’s about that IEP time again
Lost Battery
Where Do You Need Captioning?
Big day
Neptune update
A New, Invisible Implant
If Fish Aren’t Stupid…
4 Ears and 4 Eyes
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Play Ball!
AFA's letter to HuffPost - video performers' non-ASL
PEEPs in the Park April 2012
Tobie Fysh: Having a deaf son
Defining Music Therapy (con’t)…within Deaf Culture
Synonyms…Why do they matter in American Sign Language (ASL)?
Shame On The ASL Community Critics Of No Church In The Wild Video
The ASL community critics just sent a bold message that could become the death knell to the future of ASL classes in community colleges and elsewhere.
Shame on the ASL Community critics. Big time shame on them! The video is supposed to be an artistic reflection using hand gestures and ASL. No different than seeing a big statue comprised of odd shapes sticking to a large humanoid shape. Its only art for crissakes! The ASL critic's flagrant whining as seen already done a lot of damage to people's present and future interest in learning American Sign Language. They insulted ASL students big time!
What part of "ART" do the ASL Community do not understand?
Richard Roehm
Shame on the ASL Community critics. Big time shame on them! The video is supposed to be an artistic reflection using hand gestures and ASL. No different than seeing a big statue comprised of odd shapes sticking to a large humanoid shape. Its only art for crissakes! The ASL critic's flagrant whining as seen already done a lot of damage to people's present and future interest in learning American Sign Language. They insulted ASL students big time!
What part of "ART" do the ASL Community do not understand?
Richard Roehm

Friday, April 27, 2012
Congratulations to the UF Au.D. class of 2012
Cochlear Implant HELP
Visiting Joni and Friends…
A Call for Help Gets Answered
Ears, ears, ears
The Joys of Travels – for us all!
Champagne Problems
Hearing Loss, The Elderly and Today’s Improved Hearing Aid Technology
Popular culture has made fun of hearing loss in the past, but as aging baby boomers are reaching retirement age in epic proportions, it’s no longer funny; it’s a national problem. 78 million baby boomers turn 66 this year, making hearing loss education, treatments and technology necessary for the American public.
More at http://www.aplaceformom.com/blog/elderly-hearing-loss-hearing-aids/
More at http://www.aplaceformom.com/blog/elderly-hearing-loss-hearing-aids/
HuffPo Covers Fake ASL Music Video
Yesterday, the Huffington Post did a story on a music video that was supposedly done in American Sign Language. The video was done by Mark Nakhla, Greg Faxon And Sam Choi, doing a cover of Kayne West and Jay-Z’s ‘No Church In The Wild’.
More at http://thedeafedge.org/2012/04/huffpo-covers-fake-asl-music-video/
More at http://thedeafedge.org/2012/04/huffpo-covers-fake-asl-music-video/
Where are our ASL Defenders?
As of 5:43pm, I was told that NAD is now in communication with HuffPost. NAD was alerted through Twitter/emails about our community’s response to Kia’s comment on The Deaf Edge’s blog.
More at http://www.deafeyeseeit.com/2012/04/26/where-are-our-asl-defenders/
More at http://www.deafeyeseeit.com/2012/04/26/where-are-our-asl-defenders/
VRS case: Quick update for three cases
The Bonheyos requested a continuance (delay) of trial to July 2012, citing time needed for the discovery process by both sides as well as to continue plea negotiations.
More at http://clercjr.wordpress.com/2012/04/27/vrs-case-quick-update-for-three-cases/
More at http://clercjr.wordpress.com/2012/04/27/vrs-case-quick-update-for-three-cases/
USA discriminates against deaf swimmers..
As averse to UK sporting bodies who insist we cannot compete, except with paralympians, and, unsupported financially too.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/04/usa-discriminates-against-deaf-swimmers.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/04/usa-discriminates-against-deaf-swimmers.html
Why do you talk funny?
This week at work I have been up in preschool most mornings and I’ve been remembering when I started about 19 months ago, since back then Pre-School was my room most of the time until I moved to my own room, Tweenies in April ’11.
More at http://bioniclissa.blogspot.com/2012/04/why-do-you-talk-funny.html
More at http://bioniclissa.blogspot.com/2012/04/why-do-you-talk-funny.html
Social Meltdown with Hearing Loss Turns into Success
Three years ago after moving to Salt Lake City, I attended a banquet with my boyfriend honoring ski patrol. He volunteers at the ski resort on weekends and the banquet is a big event among them. That night, we had a great time together.
More at http://ahearingloss.com/2012/04/26/social-meltdown-with-hearing-loss-turns-into-success/
More at http://ahearingloss.com/2012/04/26/social-meltdown-with-hearing-loss-turns-into-success/
DVTV Website Is Anything But Peace For Deaf People!
Here I go again making criticisms of a deaf owner social website. Yes this is a real War Against Indiscipline in the deaf community. Even as ironic as it is the website's owner has very strong and cuddly connections with the National Association of the Deaf (NAD). As sadly as it appears, the NAD organization backs up every move by Tayler and his www.deaf video.tv website that has a long and extensive history with a lot of evidence in youtube of being a bully website. Promotes bullying and as recently a new DVTV member who's screen name "DeafPeace" as her vlogs does nothing but attack other members in the website. This has others wondering about her screen name like you see in this video http://www.deafvideo.tv/149291 and another person decided to expose Tayler's hidden side with his video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sx0xeC3vpU
I'm asking you to be the judges of what DVTV has become and also as judges of NAD's support of Tayler's actions by the way of his DVTV website.
A safer place to find drama-free deaf videos is at the Eye Fire Vlogs website where you will find daily video collections posted every day (hopefully).
I'm asking you to be the judges of what DVTV has become and also as judges of NAD's support of Tayler's actions by the way of his DVTV website.
A safer place to find drama-free deaf videos is at the Eye Fire Vlogs website where you will find daily video collections posted every day (hopefully).
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Deaf news: Preston’s Deafway launches ‘Deaf embassy’ plans
The Lancashire Evening Post has revealed plans for the deaf charity Deafway, based in Preston, to build an ‘embassy’ for the world’s deaf community.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/04/26/deaf-news-prestons-deafway-launches-deaf-embassy-plans/
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/04/26/deaf-news-prestons-deafway-launches-deaf-embassy-plans/
Closed Captions Can Help Improve Children's Reading Skills
When my daughter was in school and living at home, her friends quickly found that watching TV at our house was a little different from what they were used to.
More at http://xpressivehandz.blogspot.com/2012/04/closed-captions-can-help-improve.html
More at http://xpressivehandz.blogspot.com/2012/04/closed-captions-can-help-improve.html
FCC Updates Standards on Mobile Phones and Hearing Aid Compatibility
There are many different wireless mobile phones available, and some of the wireless mobile phones work better with some hearing aids than others. The FCC has requirements for some, but not all, wireless phones to be hearing aid compatible.
More at http://thehearingblog.com/archives/869#.T5lzutR5mSN
More at http://thehearingblog.com/archives/869#.T5lzutR5mSN
Unemployed deaf Man refused communication Support
Equality and Human Rights ? for hearing alone apparently ! Since when is it NOT discrimination to refuse a deaf person access ? Is it any wonder deaf people can view an rights commission as discriminatory itself ? what clowns are employed at these commissions ?
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/04/unemployed-deaf-man-refused.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/04/unemployed-deaf-man-refused.html
Children of Deaf Adults
Tonight we headed out to a Deaf community party (which we do about once a month...gotta keep up with our signing!) We played some fun games, and Miss Kat really enjoys hanging out with the other kids.
More at http://misskatsmom.blogspot.com/2012/04/children-of-deaf-adults.html
More at http://misskatsmom.blogspot.com/2012/04/children-of-deaf-adults.html
A Mixed Bag of Teachers
Hearing schools vs deaf schools: Mary Anne continues to share her memories – - navigating the educational system as a deaf child in the 1950′s and 1960′s.
More at http://signlanguageco.com/a-mixed-bag-of-teachers/
More at http://signlanguageco.com/a-mixed-bag-of-teachers/
Woman praises ‘Hero’ consultant who gave her an CI.
‘My hero’ — patient praises Ninewells Hospital consultant who restored her hearingA Cardenden woman who was almost deaf has praised the ”hero” Ninewells Hospital consultant who restored her hearing. The implant was the first performed in Scotland.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/04/woman-raises-consultant-who-gave-her-ci.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/04/woman-raises-consultant-who-gave-her-ci.html
Sign writing Basics
An ASL video, but is there ANY future for sign writing, given sign is visual and sign writing isn’t taught (Or accepted except as an oddity), widely ? Maybe the conundrum that the video HAS to have English text/captions may scupper it as well.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/04/sign-writing-basics.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/04/sign-writing-basics.html
Minor leaguer hears with Cochlear Implants
Jalen Harris was born Deaf. He now plays for the Brewers minor league team wearing his cochlear implants. What an inspiring story. Click Here to read the article. Next weeks mapping is all set. I will be picked up so I dont have to take the train. So much easier for me.
More at http://growinguphardofhearing.blogspot.com/2012/04/minor-leaguer-hears-with-cochlear.html
More at http://growinguphardofhearing.blogspot.com/2012/04/minor-leaguer-hears-with-cochlear.html
First Experience at Deaf Day
Two years ago, I attended University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee’s annual Deaf Day to promote Walk4Hearing for the local chapter. I remember how nervous I was around people. Throughout the day, I felt fatigued from the anxiety of approaching people.
More at http://www.outerchat.com/?p=453
More at http://www.outerchat.com/?p=453
No access to Higher education for Deaf Jamaicans
Miss Deaf International, Cassandra Whyte, who communicates through an interpreter, noted that most young people in the deaf community are marginalised and discriminated against because of their disability.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/04/no-access-to-education-for-deaf.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/04/no-access-to-education-for-deaf.html
Isolating deaf people hastens dementia
Despite many complaints at SS, and to her family from deaf friends she should be with other deaf and near friends who could visit her, nobody listened. In other situations, it can kill.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/04/isolating-deaf-people-hastens-dementia.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/04/isolating-deaf-people-hastens-dementia.html
Man or Machine?
Posted in Hearing LossThoughts & Rants “Hatha machine?” Is that a machine? Asked the janitor at work last week in broken Arabic and English. I paused at the last step leading down from the office and stared at him, my mind was elsewhere and suddenly it went blank.
More at http://www.bilaterallynumb.com/man-or-machine
More at http://www.bilaterallynumb.com/man-or-machine
Laugh and the World Looks Better with Captioning
FROM A CCAC MEMBER WHO KNOWS CAPTIONING! with his permission, and from his blog, see this, and have a good day http://accessibleseinfeld.com/player/rb4N http://melel.com.au/jerry-seinfelds-favourite-story-on-show-business/ thanks Micheal!
More at http://ccacblog.wordpress.com/2012/04/25/laugh-and-the-world-looks-better-with-captioning/
More at http://ccacblog.wordpress.com/2012/04/25/laugh-and-the-world-looks-better-with-captioning/
Deafness Isn’t a Deficit
The good folks at Teaching Tolerance just published a blog post I wrote for them. You can read it here or here… Every prospective parent hopes for a healthy baby. But when it comes to hearing and Deaf cultures, “healthy” is defined differently.
More at http://followingyourbliss.blogspot.com/2012/04/deafness-isnt-deficit.html
More at http://followingyourbliss.blogspot.com/2012/04/deafness-isnt-deficit.html
The Approaching Activation
So my activation is tomorrow. Wow. It was not supposed to happen so soon, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to inquire about an early activation. My assertiveness paid off. Let me back up and discuss the post-operation period a bit.
More at http://pamelaleefisher.blogspot.com/2012/04/approaching-activation.html
More at http://pamelaleefisher.blogspot.com/2012/04/approaching-activation.html
Parent Participation in Auditory Verbal Therapy
Parent Participation in Auditory-Verbal Therapy One of the hallmarks of Auditory Verbal Therapy is the belief that parents and caregivers are their children’s primary language teachers.
More at http://cochlearimplantonline.com/site/parent-participation-in-auditory-verbal-therapy/
More at http://cochlearimplantonline.com/site/parent-participation-in-auditory-verbal-therapy/
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Blog News Reporting To Resume
Orange deafie Blogwire to resume postings as of today. The hiatus was due to getting ourselves prepared for the Pet Expo fundraiser last weekend which was a complete success. I will be posting blog news on a regular basis until about two weeks before the next fundraiser event on June 3.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Meet Modern Day Cruella - Gimmie Kidney To Get Fired
Sickening as it is, the lady fired one of her workers after getting a lifesaving kidney from her.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Good Riddance To A Disgraceful Guide
Good Riddance To A Disgraceful Guide
Yes I mean it. When Jamie Berke became the deaf guide at mining.com website she had an inclusive vision and promoted inclusiveness.
When her guide site became part of the about.com system she opened herself to a field of tricks that made her a disgrace to the deaf community. By restricting freedom of deaf news exchange as she has done in all these years, she had created long dark tunnels that has created enormous uncertainty in the deaf community.
Now with Jamie Berke no longer at the helm of that resource field, hope there's light at the end of the long long tunnel of darkness. Or it could be too late for any light to be seen.
Good riddance!
Yes I mean it. When Jamie Berke became the deaf guide at mining.com website she had an inclusive vision and promoted inclusiveness.
When her guide site became part of the about.com system she opened herself to a field of tricks that made her a disgrace to the deaf community. By restricting freedom of deaf news exchange as she has done in all these years, she had created long dark tunnels that has created enormous uncertainty in the deaf community.
Now with Jamie Berke no longer at the helm of that resource field, hope there's light at the end of the long long tunnel of darkness. Or it could be too late for any light to be seen.
Good riddance!
Sunday, April 08, 2012
It's Not All Virtual.....
A very smart man once told me that I shouldn't write about personal stuff on my blog. But he isn't here be that voice in my head anymore so today's blog will be personal. Because life isn't all virtual.
More at http://lindakellie.blogspot.com/2012/04/its-not-all-virtual.html
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More at http://lindakellie.blogspot.com/2012/04/its-not-all-virtual.html
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Rain Stops Play In Ko Tao
Ok, I wasn’t exactly pleased after arriving on Ko Tao via Lomprayah Catermaran, that the rain was still coming down.
Grabbing a taxi to Grand Coral Resort, in which we rode on the back in the open, (blowing away the tiredness cobwebs), there was a lot of confusion with our booking. More on that later.
More at http://rexyedventures.com/2012/04/08/rain-stops-play-in-ko-tao/
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Grabbing a taxi to Grand Coral Resort, in which we rode on the back in the open, (blowing away the tiredness cobwebs), there was a lot of confusion with our booking. More on that later.
More at http://rexyedventures.com/2012/04/08/rain-stops-play-in-ko-tao/
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EmployAbility - Assisting disabled students and graduates into employment
Here is something I have added to my website links not so long ago, under 'Other sites of interest', after I was interviewed by a student via IM and learnt about it.
I wanted to share it here, because I know students who have been deaf, and contacted me about jobs, may find this useful.
More at http://lizsdeafblog.blogspot.com/2012/04/employability-assisting-disabled.html
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I wanted to share it here, because I know students who have been deaf, and contacted me about jobs, may find this useful.
More at http://lizsdeafblog.blogspot.com/2012/04/employability-assisting-disabled.html
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Want the Best Interpreters for VRS-Try 888-888-1116 To Find Out!
People have all kinds of videophones.
If you have a VP-200 or nTouch VP, you can still call ZVRS!
If you have a P3, you can still call ZVRS!
More at http://www.drzvrs.com/2012/04/want-the-best-interpreters-for-vrs-try-888-888-1116-to-find-out/
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If you have a VP-200 or nTouch VP, you can still call ZVRS!
If you have a P3, you can still call ZVRS!
More at http://www.drzvrs.com/2012/04/want-the-best-interpreters-for-vrs-try-888-888-1116-to-find-out/
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'Naked Pregnant Women' and 'How to lose weight Fast'
I checked my blog statistics yesterday, and was surprised to find that in the last month I’ve had 8000 pageviews. In fact it seems to be going up and up every day.
More at http://robyncarter.blogspot.com/2012/03/naked-pregnant-women-and-how-to-lose.html
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More at http://robyncarter.blogspot.com/2012/03/naked-pregnant-women-and-how-to-lose.html
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Google Self-Driving Car Takes A Blind Person To Go Anywhere
Google are introducing a new self-driving car, it is designed to be hands-free off the steering wheel and having safely completed over 200,000 miles of computer-led driving.
More at http://www.selinawing.com/2012/03/google-self-driving-car-takes-blind.html
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More at http://www.selinawing.com/2012/03/google-self-driving-car-takes-blind.html
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Elise: The True Story of a Warrior Girl
I am honored to have Tiffany from A Little Muchier Muchness share her story today. It's a story of hope and sadness - of courage and resilience. And ultimately, of joy.
More at http://www.withalittlemoxie.com/2012/04/elise-true-story-of-warrior-girl.html
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More at http://www.withalittlemoxie.com/2012/04/elise-true-story-of-warrior-girl.html
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Dieting for young children???
Few weeks ago the magazine Vogue talked about a mother putting her daughter on a diet. Here's the link to that story..http://www.ivillage.com/vogue-mom-puts-7-year-old-daughter-diet/4-a-438762.
More at http://lovingschultzfamily.blogspot.com/2012/04/dieting-for-young-children.html
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More at http://lovingschultzfamily.blogspot.com/2012/04/dieting-for-young-children.html
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an intelligent conversation
G'day Everyone.A few days ago, I had an intelligent with a friend of mine on AIM. Except to say the conversation was pretty much one sided. What's happened is that he tried to "represent" a group of people who hate me for what I am.
More at http://thedeafsherlock.blogspot.com/2012/04/intelligent-conversation.html
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More at http://thedeafsherlock.blogspot.com/2012/04/intelligent-conversation.html
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Should Children Get Paid Doing Chores?
First, I would like to say I don't have children, I am not a parent, or father or anything like that. It's just my thoughts on getting paid to do chores.
More at http://www.deafiablog.com/04/03/2012/should-children-get-paid-doing-chores/
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More at http://www.deafiablog.com/04/03/2012/should-children-get-paid-doing-chores/
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New Themes: Mimbo Pro, Blaskan, and Vintage Kitchen
We have three awesome new themes for you today that I think you'll love. A news-oriented magazine theme, a theme for just about everybody, and a food-oriented theme.
More at http://en.blog.wordpress.com/2012/04/05/new-themes-mimbo-pro-blaskan-vintage-kitchen/
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More at http://en.blog.wordpress.com/2012/04/05/new-themes-mimbo-pro-blaskan-vintage-kitchen/
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Decision.. Decision.. Who to hug first?
Today I went to preschool to pick up Karl and Dean. I usually pick up Dean first from his Mother Day Out class and go to Karl's class to get Karl. Both of their classrooms are in different buildings but next door to each other.
More at http://lovingschultzfamily.blogspot.com/2012/04/decision-decision-who-to-hug-first.html
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More at http://lovingschultzfamily.blogspot.com/2012/04/decision-decision-who-to-hug-first.html
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It's a strange world sometimes in the deaf community, especially when you participate in a forum attended mostly by deaf people, many of them signers. Some are even CIborgs which is a running joke by those who love their CIs who facetiously say this although nothing like Locutus of Borg when Captain Picard of Star Trek became a Borg.
More at http://kokonutpundits.blogspot.com/2012/04/locutus-one.html
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More at http://kokonutpundits.blogspot.com/2012/04/locutus-one.html
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Sharing Is Good: Kindergartner’s Perspective
This smiling boy is my 14 years old son, Chaz. This story is about him as a 5 years old cheerful little kindergartner with a deep understanding of what sharing truly meant.
More at otdogdryfinish.wordpress.com/2012/04/05/sharing-is-good-kindergartners-perspective/
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More at otdogdryfinish.wordpress.com/2012/04/05/sharing-is-good-kindergartners-perspective/
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Modern Passover Video
Follow the trail as someone uses today's search engine to learn about Passover. I wonder if that's how Moses would have used FaceBook?. Check out the "street view".
More at http://xpressivehandz.blogspot.com/2012/04/quirky-passover-video.html
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More at http://xpressivehandz.blogspot.com/2012/04/quirky-passover-video.html
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Facebook Status Updates
Currently trying to convince myself that attempting parkour would be a very bad idea……a bored Kelly is never a good thing….. No alarm clock mornings are the BEST! Started my day with a 6 am muddy run in the rain...
More at http://lifeisaboutcreatingyourself.wordpress.com/2012/04/08/facebook-status-updates-2/
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More at http://lifeisaboutcreatingyourself.wordpress.com/2012/04/08/facebook-status-updates-2/
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One Term down, Five Terms to Go!
The first term of this year is over….already?!? It’s funny, I’m kind of sad in a way because time is just flying by so quickly.
More at http://lifeisaboutcreatingyourself.wordpress.com/2012/04/08/one-term-down-five-terms-to-go/
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More at http://lifeisaboutcreatingyourself.wordpress.com/2012/04/08/one-term-down-five-terms-to-go/
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