First of all, this videoblog is not about bashing alldeaf.com. Its about showing you that some scammers can get your personal information from there. Like I promised in my new year's resolution, I'd be doing more of these types things. I tried to clue everyone about that in my past video blogs. What I see there is stuff you're sending going into deaf people's eyes and out their ears. So I thought it's time for me to be a bit more clear and that's what this is going to do for me. On February 11, my day off, I decided to test alldeaf website again. I created a new identity there deafstarman yes deafstarman is me there. I even created an AIM screen name deafstarman3, yes deafstarman3 for this test! I put the deafstarman3 screenname at AIM in my deafstarman profile on the day I made the account at the alldeaf website. I kept this thing a secret, nobody else knew about this anywhere else. Lo and behold! The very next day, I was contacted by a screen name called chieffbideaf help... no it's chieffbihelpdeaf and 2 more interesting screen names. I've even taken the liberty of publishing my great conversations with three suspicious screen names below. This is not about bashing the alldeaf website. This is about showing you that your information at the alldeaf website is not safe and is being used by scammers and extortionists. Whether Alex is permitting all this to happen or not, I dont know. But I'd be a real disservice to the deaf communities if I didnt tell you that your information, whether its personal or not, is not going to be safe at that alldeaf website.

(05:07:12 PM) deafstarman3: HI
(05:07:31 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: i have help many deaf people they re all happy now for gething money
(05:07:36 PM) deafstarman3: MY NAME IS RICKY
(05:07:49 PM) deafstarman3: WOW
(05:08:08 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: where are you from ?
(05:08:26 PM) deafstarman3: KANSAS
(05:08:55 PM) deafstarman3: WHERE FIND MY SCREEN NAME?
(05:09:28 PM) deafstarman3: WHERE GET MONEY?
(05:10:01 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: from gorverment
(05:10:48 PM) deafstarman3: HOW
(05:11:29 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: yes to give deaf poeple
(05:11:53 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: but i need to ask you some questions
(05:12:06 PM) deafstarman3: OK
(05:13:08 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: how old are you ?
(05:13:28 PM) deafstarman3: 53
(05:13:38 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: what do you d for living ?
(05:13:54 PM) deafstarman3: RETIRE FROM RAILROAD
(05:14:26 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: i am going to give you 50,000 us dollar cash
(05:14:36 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: to make you happy like other deaf people
(05:15:02 PM) deafstarman3: HOW
(05:15:28 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: our agent are going to bring the money to your house befor 10 am tomorrow mornig
(05:15:47 PM) deafstarman3: HOW YOU KNOW WHERE I LIVE?
(05:15:51 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: give me your full address s o i can transfer the file to my boss and you will tlk to him
(05:15:56 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: so you can have your money
(05:16:09 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: you are going to give me your address
(05:17:26 PM) deafstarman3: 401 WESTPORT AVE
(05:17:48 PM) deafstarman3: BUHLER, KS 67520
(05:18:07 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: so you need to talk to me boos now so you can get the money befor 10 am tomorrow
(05:18:49 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: so i am done with you sir
(05:18:53 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: talk to my boss
(05:18:56 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: good day
(05:19:31 PM) deafstarman3: WHO YOUR BOSS
(05:19:51 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: police200007
(05:19:55 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: he will contact you
(05:19:58 PM) deafstarman3: OOH THAT WHO
(05:20:04 PM) deafstarman3: \I THOUGHT STRANGE
(05:20:20 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: no that police200007
(05:21:08 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: i need to attend too another deaf now
(05:21:11 PM) CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF: have a good day
(05:21:17 PM) deafstarman3: OK
(05:23:45 PM) deafstarman3: BYE
(05:23:45 PM) Unable to send message: Not logged in

(05:18:11 PM) police200007: hello
(05:18:22 PM) deafstarman3: HI
(05:18:27 PM) police200007: i am chief police
(05:18:33 PM) police200007: i got i file of yours now
(05:18:42 PM) police200007: you are so lucky like other deaf people
(05:20:03 PM) police200007: are you from 401 WESTPORT AVE BUHLER, KS 67520
(05:20:25 PM) police200007: so
(05:20:45 PM) police200007: did my agent explain everything to you ?
(05:20:53 PM) deafstarman3: YES
(05:20:59 PM) police200007: ok
(05:21:00 PM) deafstarman3: HE WAS VERY HELFUL
(05:21:15 PM) police200007: ok
(05:21:16 PM) police200007: hold
(05:22:08 PM) police200007: ok
(05:22:24 PM) police200007: did he told you how much we are going to give you ?
(05:22:45 PM) police200007: ??
(05:22:50 PM) deafstarman3: YES
(05:23:08 PM) police200007: how much ??
(05:24:48 PM) deafstarman3: 50,000
(05:25:27 PM) police200007: is that ok for you ?
(05:25:41 PM) deafstarman3: OK
(05:25:59 PM) police200007: and you have to type fats becuse i am attending to many deaf people
(05:26:02 PM) police200007: ok
(05:26:28 PM) deafstarman3: OK
(05:26:35 PM) police200007: that is ok
(05:26:37 PM) police200007: ok
(05:26:45 PM) police200007: i am going to helpp you and make you happy
(05:26:50 PM) police200007: do you understand ?
(05:27:19 PM) police200007: and you will get the money befor 10 am tomorrow
(05:27:29 PM) deafstarman3: OK
(05:28:02 PM) police200007: we are giving you cash
(05:28:43 PM) deafstarman3: REALLY?
(05:28:51 PM) police200007: yes
(05:29:10 PM) police200007: we are giving you cash but we are puthing it in big brown envilop
(05:30:21 PM) police200007: and do you know how much are you going to pay for fee s you can get the money befor 10 am tomorrow
(05:30:28 PM) deafstarman3: FEE?
(05:30:55 PM) police200007: yes so there will be no delay on your money
(05:33:01 PM) deafstarman3: how much?
(05:33:52 PM) police200007: 1200 and you will get 50,000 cash and be hapy like other deaf people
(05:34:19 PM) deafstarman3: WOW THATS A LOT. CAN YOU DEDUCT FROM THE $50,000?
(05:34:28 PM) police200007: sorry
(05:34:33 PM) police200007: we can \t
(05:34:44 PM) police200007: everything here is under control and secure
(05:34:48 PM) deafstarman3: WHY?
(05:35:26 PM) police200007: that how we are doing it here
(05:35:51 PM) police200007: pay your fee and get your money without delay
(05:39:24 PM) police200007: so you need to go and pay the fee right now so there will be no delay on your money
(05:39:40 PM) deafstarman3: WHERE DO I PAY FEE?
(05:39:52 PM) police200007: deland florida
(05:39:58 PM) police200007: by western union
(05:40:08 PM) police200007: i am going to give you our address
(05:40:13 PM) deafstarman3: OK
(05:41:10 PM) police200007: how long will you go and pay the money if i give you the address now ?
(05:42:16 PM) police200007: two hours time ?
(05:42:30 PM) police200007: do you know how much are you going to pay ?
(05:42:33 PM) deafstarman3: YES
(05:42:41 PM) deafstarman3: 1200
(05:42:45 PM) police200007: ok
(05:44:08 PM) police200007: name.................Patricia keen
(05:44:21 PM) police200007: 927 hunters creek dr. #303... deland, fl. 32720
(05:44:29 PM) police200007: got it ?
(05:45:17 PM) deafstarman3: YES
(05:45:31 PM) deafstarman3: I GO NOW BYE BYE
(05:45:35 PM) police200007: so go now andpay the money
(05:45:49 PM) police200007: and email me the mtcn on [email protected]
(05:46:42 PM) police200007: do you understand ?
(05:47:03 PM) deafstarman3: YES
(05:47:14 PM) police200007: how long will you email me the mtcn ?
(05:47:33 PM) deafstarman3: AS SOON AS I SEND MONEY
(05:47:42 PM) police200007: how many minutes ?
(05:47:54 PM) deafstarman3: 30 MINS
(05:48:06 PM) police200007: ok
(05:48:11 PM) police200007: i am waitting for you
(05:48:23 PM) police200007: are you using pager or side kick ?
(05:49:23 PM) deafstarman3: SK
(05:51:46 PM) deafstarman3: WHILE I GO PAY YOU SAY HI TO ALEX FOR ME
(05:52:50 PM) police200007: what are you talking about ?
(05:57:01 PM) deafstarman3: HOW ARE YOU PLANNING TO BRING THE MONEY?
(05:57:30 PM) police200007: go and pay the money now
(05:57:51 PM) police200007: ok
(05:57:59 PM) deafstarman3: HOW DO I KNOW THIS NOT SCAM?
(05:58:12 PM) police200007: never
(05:58:17 PM) police200007: tis is not a scamme
(05:58:21 PM) police200007: trust me
(05:58:59 PM) deafstarman3: WOW
(05:59:13 PM) deafstarman3: YOU DO THIS TO A LOT OF DEAF?
(05:59:14 PM) police200007: i am waiting for the mtcn
(05:59:25 PM) police200007: where are you now ?
(05:59:31 PM) deafstarman3: AND I AM WAIT IN LINE
(05:59:56 PM) deafstarman3: WILL THE MONEY COME IN $20'S $50'S OR $100'S?
(06:00:07 PM) police200007: yes
(06:00:35 PM) deafstarman3: WHO IS SMILEQ2000?
(06:01:03 PM) police200007: i dont know her
(06:01:50 PM) deafstarman3: AND WHERE DID CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF?
(06:02:02 PM) deafstarman3: FIND MY SCREEN NAME?
(06:02:29 PM) police200007: how fer baba
(06:02:40 PM) police200007: she you wan lean work ??
(06:03:13 PM) deafstarman3: GUESS WHAT
(06:03:19 PM) police200007: ??
(06:03:37 PM) deafstarman3: I THINK YOU ARE SMILEQ2000
(06:03:54 PM) police200007: i dont know what you are talking about baba
(06:04:00 PM) police200007: dont wat my time
(06:04:05 PM) deafstarman3: BECAUSE BOTH OF YOU TYPED THE SAME WAY
(06:04:12 PM) police200007: no way
(06:04:13 PM) deafstarman3: MY NAME IS NOT BABA
(06:04:18 PM) police200007: i am not
(06:04:27 PM) police200007: i am not here to play game
(06:04:28 PM) police200007: ok
(06:04:37 PM) police200007: and dont wast my time
(06:04:38 PM) deafstarman3: thats my readers to judge
(06:04:49 PM) police200007: i have alots of deaf to attend to
(06:04:59 PM) deafstarman3: this great conversation is gonna end up on my blog
(06:05:42 PM) deafstarman3: poof?
(06:05:42 PM) Unable to send message: Not logged in

(05:24:34 PM) smileq2000: hi
(05:24:54 PM) deafstarman3: HI
(05:25:13 PM) smileq2000: i amsmile
(05:25:19 PM) smileq2000: i am deaf from fl
(05:25:34 PM) deafstarman3: NICE HOW YOU FIND MY SCREEN NAME
(05:25:42 PM) smileq2000: deafsite
(05:25:58 PM) smileq2000: i am new on computer
(05:26:08 PM) deafstarman3: NAME OF DEAFSITE?
(05:26:16 PM) smileq2000: yes
(05:27:40 PM) smileq2000: pls can you hold few minutes
(05:27:51 PM) smileq2000: i am talking with police cheif about the 43,000 he gave to my friend today
(05:28:24 PM) smileq2000: what you talking about ?
(05:29:10 PM) deafstarman3: MY SCREEN NAME GETS SPREAD OUT FAST
(05:29:30 PM) smileq2000: police promise to give my friend 50,000
(05:29:41 PM) smileq2000: but when she get the money now the money was 43,000
(05:30:04 PM) smileq2000: and also i want to get my money tomorrow that s why i was to ask what time is my money coming
(05:31:06 PM) smileq2000: will you hold few minutes /
(05:32:22 PM) deafstarman3: first youre CHIEFFBIHELPDEAF , then youre police200007, and now youre smileq2000
(05:32:49 PM) deafstarman3: my readers are gonna love this
(05:33:21 PM) smileq2000: what are you talkng about ??
(05:33:25 PM) deafstarman3: where did you find my screen name?
(05:35:31 PM) deafstarman3: there's only one place I published my screen name
(05:35:39 PM) smileq2000: where ?
(05:37:28 PM) deafstarman3: I get 3 suckers for the price of 1
(05:37:56 PM) smileq2000: what are you talking about ?
(06:05:49 PM) deafstarman3: poof?
(06:05:49 PM) Unable to send message: Not logged in

ReplyDeleteThank you. I work with Deaf Seniors and this information is important to share with them. They have a workshop coming up on Scams and Frauds. I will share this information with them. I had a co-worker who was contacted by the same people and had almost the same conversation you had here. She showed it to me. Yikes!
Thanks for the warning to all.
~ LaRonda
(05:44:08 PM) police200007: name.................Patricia keen
ReplyDeleteOk I'm just sick to my stomach here..
Why is my name up there?
I'm very glad you are advocating and drawing attention to this. Just still sick to my stomach that my own name was used in this.
LaRonda, one other thing you could tell them is to keep their AIM blocked to everyone except on their buddy list. Only those screennames the user puts on his buddy list can see him. There is an option for that in the preferences somewhere.
ReplyDeleteOh my, its very important you share this scamming information with everyone. Thank you for sharing this with us, I really appreciated.
ReplyDeleteAs you can see the last image I just updated the blog post, I've been banned from the site.
ReplyDeleteIs this a suggestion of guilt on their part?
Are they protecting the scammers and extortionists?
You be the judge.
I know the informations are not safe. I am sure most of them are aware of this.
ReplyDeleteI have played several games with the scammers and it annoyed them! haha! Keep up the good job! :)
Have a great day!