Yes they're pushing it to happen sooner due to the rising gas and food prices. This was announced yesterday. These will go to people who filed their returns by April 15 this year.
If you opted for direct deposit, you will see your stimulus check appearing in your bank account starting next week.
The schedule for the direct deposit according to the IRS is;
Last two SSN digits: Payment will be transmitted by:
00 through 20 ----->>May 2
21 through 75 ----->>May 9
76 through 99 ----->>May 16
If you opted for the paper check, the check will come to you based on the last 2 numbers of your social security number.
The schedule for the checks according to the IRS is;
Last two SSN digits: Payments will be mailed by:
00 through 09 ----->>May 16
10 through 18 ----->>May 23
19 through 25 ----->>May 30
26 through 38 ----->>June 6
39 through 51 ----->>June 13
52 through 63 ----->>June 20
64 through 75 ----->>June 27
76 through 87 ----->>July 4
88 through 99 ----->>July 11
If you owe back taxes, child support, school loans, and other public liens, your payment may be be garnished.

One of the best places you can spend your stumulus payment is
OCDAC Adaptive Equipment and More
And this one costs you absolutely nothing to get;

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Choose your favorite card today and choose to make a difference now. Choose to help the deaf community sail the calm seas into the deaf future.
Start at this link today http://www.cardpartner.com/enduser.aspx?AEID=D0974
Get it today!
Richard Roehm
These will go to people who filed their returns by April 15 this year.