Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Regarding California Association of the Deaf (CAD) Leadership

This is a short note in response to an email I received yesterday regarding Richard Ray's leadership.

I want to make a short note responding to an email I received yesterday asking for comments on Richard Ray's leadership as California Association of the Deaf's president.

I want to say his leadership is wonderful and there has never been a CAD leader as inclusive (as Ray) before so I'm satisfied with Richard Ray's leadership of CAD.

What I'm seeing going on with the deaf community, we're transitioning from the old deaf to the new deaf community. CAD is like a bridge. And the CAD leaders are like bridge pilings. The first piling is Don Rosenkjar, then and now its Richard Ray the current president and we need one more person to complete the transition from the old deaf to the new deaf. That third person will be the next piling under the bridge. We need to vote on next person to be the third piling under the bridge to lead us and continue the transition.


P.S. If you expected me to attack someone in this message, I'm sorry I didn't meet your expectation.


  1. I have relatives in California so I have heard postive things too.

  2. Whom you have in mind for the "third" bridge support of the CAD?

    You did unravel my expectation of you to be the basher of any deaf leadership, especially the Old Deaf Guard (your infamous word).

    You seems prove many of us wrong on the reputable image of you, Richard Roehem. Let's wait and see if you are definitely for real. :)

    Robert L. Mason (RLM)
    RLMDEAF blog

  3. We the deaf community are disappointed in CAD President that they had failed for the last two years in office of the President. CAD President failed to follow CAD By-laws on many violations which president did not follow. CAD President name is Richard Ray. Deaf community are not happy with his leadership because there is no financial report on the website and the meeting minutes were not posted on the website of CAD. We cannot afford to have that president again. We deaf community have the right to vote new president. This is a demorcacy (free speech). Deaf communtiy have the rights to speak up. CAD President cannot speak himself. Deaf community does speak up. CAD President should be netraul not boast himself to the deaf community. This is enought of President Richard Ray of CAD. Time for the deaf community to vote new president now.

  4. I was at the CAD bylaws meeting yesterday. The 2005 bylaws had a lot of smoke, a lot of dust, and a lot of confusion that opened it up to different interpretations. It was a very lively discussion I saw.

    Today will be more of this. Putting the finger on Ray isn't a good move especially when CAD practically had no bylaws to follow given all the confusion that span around it since 2005.

    And Ray made CAD stronger in the past 2 years.

