Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Richard Roehm Memorial Ranch Blog for February 8th, 2016

Monday, February 8, 2016 1730 Hrs., 68°, clear skies and windy.

Good evening once again!

Over this past weekend I came down with a cold and my nose running all the time and had to blow my nose. DANG!!

For the past 3 nights a row, weather is so nice to me while I sleep, not too cold and not to warm, “just right” for me to sleep better, I didn’t have to bundles up too hard this time. Hopefully there will be no more “hard cold” for a while!

Today, the weather been windy all day and I saw some tumbleweeds rolling away across our land. It is fun to watch them.

Anyway, I just ran out of water here and it’s going to be hard for me to carry water around, but I think I can manage to get some.

I also pulled out 1 eBay order this morning, packed and labeled it and it’s ready to go for tomorrow again, ugh! We also sold APH Bookport for the blind. I know Beth has it as I left it in Orange County for Beth after we loaded up our trailer before I left Orange County. I have emailed to Beth about this and she hasn’t responded yet or “Marked Shipped” from the eBay. Hmmm.

After that, I finally cleaned the dishes and cleaned up here in this RV.

Tomorrow, hopefully the winds die down so I can go to the HQ Post Office to drop off the package, get one gallon of water and return back here. Yes, it is takes time for me to go and return, more like 4 to 6 hours. Yikes! I still have bit of sore right hip from the fall I had 2 weeks ago.

Well, that’s just about it for now until tomorrow. Have a great day! KMG-365!

Bobby Fleener
General Manager, Richard Roehm Memorial Ranch
Vice President, Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center

More information on the Richard Roehm Memorial Ranch:
Donate to the Begining of Year, Chicken Coop Fundraiser:
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