I have been given the opportunity to teach my son's first grade class sign language every Friday from April til the end of school! I need to know what basics to teach them and how to incorporate Deaf Culture on their level. They are an all Hearing class. Suggestions welcomed! I am so excited!
More at http://thedeafproject.blogspot.com/2012/03/teaching-asl-to-first-graders-new.html
Official communication outlet of the Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center. Our official press releases and situational responses are found here.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
The Impact of FCC Suing AT&T in Deaf Relay Services Scam
In the wake of the 2009 arrests of 26 people for Video Relay Services (VRS) fraud and their resulting convictions, the Federal Communications Commission implemented procedures for stronger oversight of its Telecommunication Relay Services program for the deaf and hard-of-hearing.
More at http://www.brandchannel.com/home/post/ATT-Deaf-Relay-Services-Suit-Janger-032312.aspx
More at http://www.brandchannel.com/home/post/ATT-Deaf-Relay-Services-Suit-Janger-032312.aspx
Commentary: Deaf school dream turning to nightmare?
Vinny Badolato is vice president of public affairs at the Colorado League of Charter Schools.
There’s a small but significant drama playing out in Lakewood. It involves a multi-million dollar state grant, a school for deaf children, a model example of district and charter school facility collaboration, and a newly formed neighborhood group.
More at http://www.ednewscolorado.org/2012/03/29/35608-commentary-deaf-school-dream-trending-toward-nightmare
There’s a small but significant drama playing out in Lakewood. It involves a multi-million dollar state grant, a school for deaf children, a model example of district and charter school facility collaboration, and a newly formed neighborhood group.
More at http://www.ednewscolorado.org/2012/03/29/35608-commentary-deaf-school-dream-trending-toward-nightmare
Cochlear Implant on The YOUNG and the RESTLESS
Hey all …. Did you know that a major soap opera has a character that got a cochlear implant in 2007?
Yes, The Young and the Restless character Devon Hamilton played by the wonderful actor Bryton McClure got a Cochlear Implant.
More at http://www.hearinglossresourcecenter.com/?p=451
Yes, The Young and the Restless character Devon Hamilton played by the wonderful actor Bryton McClure got a Cochlear Implant.
More at http://www.hearinglossresourcecenter.com/?p=451
Tysabri or Cochlear Implant: if you had to choose
"Close your eyes and roll your hands. Follow my fingers. Push against my hands. Bend over. (he pushes my hips) Does that hurt?" Nope. I'm complaining about my hips/back being out of alignment and they don't hurt when he pushes. (oh no, I think)
More at http://wordsalads.blogspot.com/2012/03/tysabri-or-cochlear-implant-if-you-had.html
More at http://wordsalads.blogspot.com/2012/03/tysabri-or-cochlear-implant-if-you-had.html
Enrique Iglesias’s “Hero” in American Sign Language [Sean Berdy]
DISCLAIMER: We do not own the rights to this song. This film was produced out of the desire of having an American Sign Language version of Enrique Iglesias’s “Hero.” Subtitled in English. *This music video is not available on all devices due to copyright or licensing issues* –Inspired by Keren Martinez-Cruz, Vibrations – Indiana School for the Deaf– Executive Producer Sean Berdy
Video at http://artificialintelligenceseo.com/enrique-iglesiass-hero-in-american-sign-language-sean-berdy/
Video at http://artificialintelligenceseo.com/enrique-iglesiass-hero-in-american-sign-language-sean-berdy/
AT&T, Nigeria, And The Hearing Impaired
Technology creates such odd convergences. A Bloomberg News story says that a False Claims Act whistleblower lawsuit filed last week in federal court says that AT&T received more than $16 million in federal funding for telecommunications relay services that the company knew were being used by Nigerian scammers to defraud U.S. businesses.
More at http://sbmblog.typepad.com/sbm-blog/2012/03/att-nigeria-and-the-hearing-impaired.html
More at http://sbmblog.typepad.com/sbm-blog/2012/03/att-nigeria-and-the-hearing-impaired.html
Deaf, blind schools part of Romney’s history
March 30, 2012 · Romney is celebrating its 250th birthday this year and for 142 of those years the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and Blind played a role in the town’s history.
West Virginia was only seven years old when the state legislature decided to create a school for deaf and blind students.
More at http://www.wvpubcast.org/newsarticle.aspx?id=24555
West Virginia was only seven years old when the state legislature decided to create a school for deaf and blind students.
More at http://www.wvpubcast.org/newsarticle.aspx?id=24555
Right Hear, Right Now: 8 Terrific Techy Devices for the Deaf

Technology to improve the lives of handicapped people has brought us all kinds of incredible objects. From bionic body parts to inventive gadgets for the blind, inventors have been hard at work leveling the playing field for all humans.
More at http://weburbanist.com/2012/03/21/right-hear-right-now-8-terrific-techy-devices-for-the-deaf/
DOJ Implicates AT&T in IP Relay Fraud
If you thought that three months after the T-Mobile deal died the US government and AT&T (NYSE:T, news, filings) might have shook hands and made up already, you were wrong. Ok, maybe nobody thought that. But yesterday the DOJ accused AT&T of knowing that those Nigerian scam artists that never seem to get tired of filling your email box had also overrun the carrier’s taxpayer-funded hearing-impaired program.
More at http://www.telecomramblings.com/2012/03/doj-implicates-att-in-ip-relay-fraud/
More at http://www.telecomramblings.com/2012/03/doj-implicates-att-in-ip-relay-fraud/
Friday, March 30, 2012
Smile When You Sing
Our first concert is tonight, and it reminded me of a story I have for you. A true story. Only the name has been changed, to protect the flatulent. I started singing in the church choir when I was in middle school, in the late ’70s.
More at http://herdinggrasshoppers.blogspot.com/2012/03/smile-when-you-sing.html
More at http://herdinggrasshoppers.blogspot.com/2012/03/smile-when-you-sing.html
Spring Break
Christian has been on Spring Break this week, and Lily’s is next week (Hooray for next year when they will FINALLY be on the same schedule). We’ve been doing a whole LOT of NOTHING. We’ve focused on sibling time.
More at http://livelaughlovefamily.blogspot.com/2012/03/spring-break.html
More at http://livelaughlovefamily.blogspot.com/2012/03/spring-break.html
Katherine’s Story
Katherine was born with normal hearing but gradually lost hearing as she grew up. She grew up in a Deaf culture. She recently received a cochlear implant four months ago and while she is still learning to hear with her cochlear implants, she is enjoying being able to hear well again!
More at http://cochlearimplantonline.com/site/katherines-story/
More at http://cochlearimplantonline.com/site/katherines-story/
My post I wrote for The Deaf Blog last year. And what has happened to The Deaf Blog?
As I mentioned in a post last year on 11th October, called "Before. Leading up to blogging. And present" I did a guest post for The Deaf Blog.
Now I don't know how long The Deaf Blog has disappeared exactly, but I have been observing over the past month that there is no blog showiong on their link.
More at http://lizsdeafblog.blogspot.com/2012/03/as-i-mentioned-in-post-last-year-on.html
Now I don't know how long The Deaf Blog has disappeared exactly, but I have been observing over the past month that there is no blog showiong on their link.
More at http://lizsdeafblog.blogspot.com/2012/03/as-i-mentioned-in-post-last-year-on.html
Calico Joe
Reading Calico Joe brought back memories.
Memories of the summer of 1973 when I discovered baseball. Memories of being a softball widow for years after I got married. They were sweet and bittersweet memories.
More at http://candysweetblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/30/calico-joe/
Memories of the summer of 1973 when I discovered baseball. Memories of being a softball widow for years after I got married. They were sweet and bittersweet memories.
More at http://candysweetblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/30/calico-joe/
Hospital forced to apologise over 'Deaf and Dumb' label.
19thc terminology in an 21stc hospital. A deaf man from Winchmore Hill is “deeply offended” after a hospital labelled him ‘deaf and dumb’ while he stayed there for surgery. Christopher Drew, 23, of Maxim Road, noticed the insult in his hospital file as he recovered from knee surgery at Chase Farm Hospital on March 20.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/hospital-forced-to-apologise-over-deaf.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/hospital-forced-to-apologise-over-deaf.html
Deaf news in BSL from Remark: Deaf hostage freed | Money raised for BDA | Deaf health protests
Click on the titles to go to Remark’s website, then click ‘BSL’ to watch the news in beautiful sign language!
Deaf health access protest held outside Dundee hospital.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/30/deaf-news-in-bsl-from-remark-deaf-hostage-freed-money-raised-for-bda-deaf-health-protests/
Deaf health access protest held outside Dundee hospital.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/30/deaf-news-in-bsl-from-remark-deaf-hostage-freed-money-raised-for-bda-deaf-health-protests/
What’s In a Name? CART Anyone?
Martin Block is a newer member of the CCAC, yet he’s been around! With his permission, we copy some history here. What’s in a name? Take CART: Martin H. Block Very few people know or remember where the term “CART” originated, but it goes back to 1982.
More at http://ccacblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/30/whats-in-a-name-cart-anyone/
More at http://ccacblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/30/whats-in-a-name-cart-anyone/
CCAC Captions Voice of America Video
Action request from consumer and action from provider members in the CCAC – what a great community. The story about this advocacy and action will be in the April CCAC newsletter, yet here’s a preview of what all online videos need to do:
More at http://ccacblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/30/ccac-captions-voice-of-america-video/
More at http://ccacblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/30/ccac-captions-voice-of-america-video/
IEP Complete
About a week ago, we had CJ’s IEP meeting at his school. Each year, things just get better and better. This year was probably one of his best IEP’s yet. We cut his Deaf Ed./AVT services in half because he’s mastered his new processor. Yay!!!
More at http://babyears.blogspot.com/2012/03/iep-complete.html
More at http://babyears.blogspot.com/2012/03/iep-complete.html
De-noising,Good lipreading results,enjoying Music with my ipod!
I attended yet another appointment at my CI centre – for my 6 month review since I’ve been activated – we did the usual tests – hearing field test, lipreading the strange man ( i say that because his face is strange ha ha he lip speaks and shows hardly any emotions!)
More at http://livingwithaneureleccochlearimplant.blogspot.com/2012/03/denoising-and-enjoying-music-with-my.html
More at http://livingwithaneureleccochlearimplant.blogspot.com/2012/03/denoising-and-enjoying-music-with-my.html
Awesome Audiology Update on Liam!!!
I was sitting at Liam’s school killing some time this morning as his audiologist passed through. She stopped off to talk to me about his most recent sound booth testing. He is tested almost monthly to see how he is adapting to his cochlear implant.
More at http://babyears.blogspot.com/2012/03/awesome-audiology-update-on-liam.html
More at http://babyears.blogspot.com/2012/03/awesome-audiology-update-on-liam.html
Switched at Birth….Season II: A Cochlear Implant Character?
My wife and I have been enjoying all of the episodes of Switched at Birth and we are now caught up. It’s great to see well known actors in the show who are a part of the signing community like the famously well known Marlee Matlin (Melody), the more recently the up and coming but wildly popular Sean Berdy (Emmett), and the newest actor, Ryan Lane (Travis) who is making waves.
More at http://kokonutpundits.blogspot.com/2012/03/switched-at-birthseason-ii-cochlear.html
More at http://kokonutpundits.blogspot.com/2012/03/switched-at-birthseason-ii-cochlear.html
Just a Typical Kid
I’m pretty sure any parent who has ever had a special needs child can relate to that feeling of just hoping and praying that their child will fit in somewhere and have friends and be loved. I’m no different than any other parent in that sense.
More at http://babyears.blogspot.com/2012/03/just-typical-kid.html
More at http://babyears.blogspot.com/2012/03/just-typical-kid.html
What Is Really The Greater Los Angeles Agency On Deafness?
The big talk of the news is G.L.A.D. which stands for Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness is suing CNN for lack of access to deaf people.
But what is GLAD really?
The following documents will give you an interesting picture of that agency.
Click Here For The Muttimuse Document

Marcella Meyer and Donald "Nubby" Nuernberger you've served the deaf well, and you've also delivered to me well too!
Marcella Meyer and Donald "Nubby" Nuernberger's fingers have become hands!

But what is GLAD really?
The following documents will give you an interesting picture of that agency.
Click Here For The Muttimuse Document

Marcella Meyer and Donald "Nubby" Nuernberger you've served the deaf well, and you've also delivered to me well too!
Marcella Meyer and Donald "Nubby" Nuernberger's fingers have become hands!

Thursday, March 29, 2012
Talkfusion.com The MLM That Gets The Deaf People To Pay, Pay, And Pay!

Talkfusion.com has been the latest rave hitting upon deaf home based business enthusiasts. Like any MLM, its simply an MLM! Its been going on for about 5 years and they're running out of suckers to recruit so they hit on the deaf people as of recent.
The Forbes magazine says Talk Fusion’s basic service costs $175 one time and then $20 per month. For that price a user gets one account, storage for 1,000 emails and the ability to make videos lasting up to five minutes. For $375 you get all the same stuff, plus an additional four accounts, more template choices and customization features, more branding capabilities and the ability to make up to a 10 minute video. You can also increase your monthly fee if you want to accommodate more email accounts. For example storing 25,000 email addresses will cost $200 per month.
But you know what, we have Youtube that now has the unlisted feature that can be used for one-on-one email messaging and its FREE. And who wants to pay to store 1,000 to over 25,000 email addresses these days?
No its not a scam but its a MLM that wants your money again, again, and again. And many deaf people are falling for this MLM gimmick because of a few deaf recruiters have been fortunate to possess manipulative speaking skills.
Dont be a Talkfusion sucker!
Richard Roehm
Come To Our Bowl-A-Thon This Saturday!
It's in Tustin, California.
Look at http://www.facebook.com/events/293539957377012/ for more information.
Join us and we will have a table full of sign language related novelties for sale.
Look at http://www.facebook.com/events/293539957377012/ for more information.
Join us and we will have a table full of sign language related novelties for sale.
OCDAC Makes Healthcare More Accessible To Deaf People With Access Kits
You seen this "brutal" news article published in the Register newspaper early this year?
Deaf activist ‘shakedown’ of O.C. businesses?
A few months later we achieve results. We achieve access for Orange County residents with hearing impairments.

And we did not have to sue them to achieve access for deaf people!
Deaf activist ‘shakedown’ of O.C. businesses?
A few months later we achieve results. We achieve access for Orange County residents with hearing impairments.

And we did not have to sue them to achieve access for deaf people!
Ni Gallant: My journey
I’ve always been the kid that nobody ever notices, the one who spent most of her high school life hiding behind her hair, who never spoke up in class, and hung around with the “uncool” group.
When the year book came out I was the girl people pointed at and said: “Was she even in our year?”
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/30/ni-gallant-my-journey/
When the year book came out I was the girl people pointed at and said: “Was she even in our year?”
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/30/ni-gallant-my-journey/
Hearing Dogs Tour
Yesterday I went, along with my Mum and Nottinghamshire Deaf Society to The Hearing Dogs, where we went on a tour to see how hearing dogs are trained at The Beatrice Wright Training Centre, Bielby, Yorkshire. Only twenty people max at one time can go on a tour around the hearing dogs, which they do once a week.
More at http://lizsdeafblog.blogspot.com/2012/03/hearing-dogs-tour.html
More at http://lizsdeafblog.blogspot.com/2012/03/hearing-dogs-tour.html
2012 Awareness expo in Pennslvania
Perhaps an idea the UK can take to heart, given the total apathy of employers in the UK and some hostility towards deaf, where their mouthpiece declared the deaf virtually employable... unless they can hear, and the state persecuting deaf people as welfare frauds, with 'no real issues that prevent them getting a job..' (Hopefully we won't have to go to 'Mars' to get awareness....).
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/2012-awareness-expo-in-pennslvania.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/2012-awareness-expo-in-pennslvania.html
Yay! First 200,000 Visits!
Wow! Wow! I reached a great milestone in my blog experience. Today I celebrate my 200,000th visits since I created this in 2008! Hooray!
More at https://deafphilippines.wordpress.com/2012/03/11/yay-first-200000-visits/
More at https://deafphilippines.wordpress.com/2012/03/11/yay-first-200000-visits/
Meet: Phillippa Merricks, globe-trotting superstar
I’m very excited to have the chance to interview a real globe-trotting superstar of the Deaf world, Miss Philippa Merricks! Obviously, we must start with the Random Question from our last victim:
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/30/meet-phillippa-merricks-globe-trotting-superstar/
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/30/meet-phillippa-merricks-globe-trotting-superstar/
seeing the good in the bad
I know there is so much more pressing things going on in the world today but allow me to selfishly vent for a moment. I am my own worst enemy and I’m pretty hard on myself which I in turn am too hard for my son.
More at http://mamatoadeafboy.wordpress.com/2012/03/29/seeing-the-good-in-the-bad/
More at http://mamatoadeafboy.wordpress.com/2012/03/29/seeing-the-good-in-the-bad/
Come To Our Bowl-A-Thon This Saturday! Everyone welcome!
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California Lawsuit Could Become A Problem for TV News Outlets
A lawsuit filed against CNN from the Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness will be moving to trial, and the result could have a serious impact with how TV news outlets present their content online. In a nutshell, GLAD is arguing that CNN is discriminating against deaf people by not offering closed-captioned versions of its videos on CNN.com.
More at http://www.mediabistro.com/tvnewser/california-lawsuit-could-become-a-problem-for-tv-news-outlets_b118826
More at http://www.mediabistro.com/tvnewser/california-lawsuit-could-become-a-problem-for-tv-news-outlets_b118826
Come To Our Bowl-A-Thon This Saturday! Everyone welcome!
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Wanting To Be Hearing Is NOT Audism
This is my thought on wanting to be hearing. In high school, I wanted to be hearing, and people accuses me of being audism. I am not being audism.
Same goes for transgenders. Woman wanting to be man. Does this mean she is sexism? NO! It’s because that the way she is born.
More at http://www.deafiablog.com/03/29/2012/wanting-to-be-hearing-is-not-audism/
Same goes for transgenders. Woman wanting to be man. Does this mean she is sexism? NO! It’s because that the way she is born.
More at http://www.deafiablog.com/03/29/2012/wanting-to-be-hearing-is-not-audism/
Could Humans Catch A Computer Virus?
Yes: [C]ybernetic devices, such as cochlear implants or pacemakers, could be threatened when they connect to an external system. Once infected, the implant can then spread the virus to other systems.
More at http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2012/03/could-humans-catch-a-computer-virus.html
More at http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2012/03/could-humans-catch-a-computer-virus.html
My Fashion Conversation Faux Pas
I was at a party recently and a woman was describing an evening gown she bought for an upcoming event. I thought I was following along pretty well until I heard her say "air socks".
More at http://speakuplibrarian.blogspot.com/2012/03/my-fashion-conversation-faux-pas.html
More at http://speakuplibrarian.blogspot.com/2012/03/my-fashion-conversation-faux-pas.html
Seeking Better Ways To Diagnose Young Children With Language Impairments
Dr. Christine Dollaghan, a professor at the Callier Center for Communication Disorders and the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, is author of a paper in the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. The study evaluated data collected from a large sample of about 600 children.
More at http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/242827.php
More at http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/242827.php
Linux May Not For Me
Remember my older post about switched to Linux without thinking about Purple VRS? A few days ago, I realized that I may need Purple VRS. There is no VRS software for Linux.
More at http://www.deafiablog.com/03/29/2012/linux-may-not-for-me/
More at http://www.deafiablog.com/03/29/2012/linux-may-not-for-me/
First time using an ASL interpreter = WOW! (late-deaf)
I had an important meeting this week. The meeting room is huge, and what sound doesn't "disappear" turns into echoes. To make matters worse, I knew for a fact there would be soft-spoken people present, as well as people with strong foreign accents. So I decided to bite the bullet and use an interpreter for my first time ever.
More at http://growingsilence.blogspot.com/2012/03/first-time-using-interpreter-wow-late.html
More at http://growingsilence.blogspot.com/2012/03/first-time-using-interpreter-wow-late.html
Jazzie’s interview
Jazzie was interviewed by a local news station as part of a story about Ohio Valley Voices. Of course we were thrilled to participate just to get the word of the school out into the community.
More at http://jazzieandtahlia.typepad.com/my_weblog/2012/03/jazzies-interview.html
More at http://jazzieandtahlia.typepad.com/my_weblog/2012/03/jazzies-interview.html
Action on Hearing Loss, Hear This: Sounds like you are having a super day there today.
Dear ActionOnHearing Loss, Please also mention the CCAC if not too late today? The more we connect, the better, for all resources needed by millions and millions. As your full day of tweets notes also, those millions in the UK are growing too.
More at http://ccacblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/29/action-on-hearing-loss-hear-this-sounds-like-you-are-having-a-super-day-there-today/
More at http://ccacblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/29/action-on-hearing-loss-hear-this-sounds-like-you-are-having-a-super-day-there-today/
THE FILM Needs Your Video Segment Soon
THE FILM needs you! Your own short video segment with CCAC script. Fun! Important 4 international advocacy.
More at http://ccacblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/29/the-film-needs-your-video-segment-soon/
More at http://ccacblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/29/the-film-needs-your-video-segment-soon/
Switch Back To Blogging
This morning, my aunt Donna left a comment on Facebook, saying she can’t follow my blog without Closed Caption and Subtitles.
I have been thinking… I feel it’s not fair to hearing people having no idea what I was saying.
More at http://www.deafiablog.com/03/28/2012/switch-back-to-blogging/
I have been thinking… I feel it’s not fair to hearing people having no idea what I was saying.
More at http://www.deafiablog.com/03/28/2012/switch-back-to-blogging/
Deaf Dad: Discovering vinyl music with Toddler
I grew up in a deaf family, and aside from a children’s tape recorder we would sometimes record our voices on, we didn’t have anything that could play music in the house. So I only discovered music at the age of 11, when a friend gave me his second-hand record player.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/29/deaf-dad-discovering-music-with-toddler/
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/29/deaf-dad-discovering-music-with-toddler/
Tony Barlow: In employment, are deaf people bottom of the pecking order?
Hello! I’m Tony Barlow, an employment consultant with 10 years experience of working in employment for deaf people.
My goal in writing for Limping Chicken is to cover issues relating to employment, jobs, careers, work experience and UNEMPLOYMENT.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/29/tony-barlow-in-employment-are-deaf-people-bottom-of-the-pecking-order/
My goal in writing for Limping Chicken is to cover issues relating to employment, jobs, careers, work experience and UNEMPLOYMENT.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/29/tony-barlow-in-employment-are-deaf-people-bottom-of-the-pecking-order/
Autistic Children Benefit from Learning American Sign Language
We have mentioned the benefits of learning American Sign Language (ASL) for many different populations (general, toddlers, etc.), but some may not consider how positive the experience can be for those with special needs.
More at http://blog.asldeafined.com/2012/03/autistic-children-benefit-from-learning-american-sign-language-asl/
More at http://blog.asldeafined.com/2012/03/autistic-children-benefit-from-learning-american-sign-language-asl/
Sincere Advocacy
I recently found myself in a difficult position. When an advocate isn't professional, and isn't advocating fully for those she/he has signed on to help, I become concerned. Yet, the very people she/he are advocating for have no clue, and this is the truly sad part of the situation.
More at http://xpressivehandz.blogspot.com/2012/03/sincere-advocacy.html
More at http://xpressivehandz.blogspot.com/2012/03/sincere-advocacy.html
USA teacher in Wales, gets award for teaching deaf
An ABERGELE teacher has battled a heart condition and been honoured for her work with deaf students. Melinda Gardner has taught the family history programme at Llandrillo College in Abergele for the past three years.
She has now been given the Digital Inclusion Award at the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education Awards Ceremony in Cardiff.
More at http://byddarcymru.blogspot.com/2012/03/usa-teacher-in-wales-gets-award-for.html
She has now been given the Digital Inclusion Award at the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education Awards Ceremony in Cardiff.
More at http://byddarcymru.blogspot.com/2012/03/usa-teacher-in-wales-gets-award-for.html
Spent the day without CI and HA
Sunday, I took my family to a barbecue with the families of my wife’s company and others with whom she works. I’d put my hearing aid and cochlear implant batteries in my son’s backpack. When when we were just arriving, I heard the warning that the CI battery was out of charge.
More at http://smy2ci.blogspot.com/2012/03/spent-day-without-ci-and-ha.html
More at http://smy2ci.blogspot.com/2012/03/spent-day-without-ci-and-ha.html
Today- the big day!
Yesterday at work, I got a call from the hospital with about a zillion questions, and most importantly, an arrival time We had to be there for 6:15am and they were expecting to take him back around 7:30. Almost all ran on time, and after the prep, etc.
More at http://angelicears.blogspot.com/2012/03/today-big-day.html
More at http://angelicears.blogspot.com/2012/03/today-big-day.html
We may be deaf but we don’t want to be ignored..
More deaf responses to support the ‘No family support’ rule and ‘STOP! using my kids as free terps. Are YOU guilty of using your kids as interpreters ? They are your children not the hired help.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/we-may-be-deaf-but-we-dont-want-to-be.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/we-may-be-deaf-but-we-dont-want-to-be.html
The Coyote
One of my biggest concerns with having deaf children….has always been safety. We live in the country and wild animals aren’t hard to find. Just this morning, four little ears wearing cochlear implants ran inside and proclaimed, “We hear something!! Hurry!”
More at http://deafkidscanhear.blogspot.com/2012/03/coyote.html
More at http://deafkidscanhear.blogspot.com/2012/03/coyote.html
Empathy, or lack there of
As some of you know already on here, we have quite a few mental health disorders in our home. We have 2 with RAD. (Reactive attachment disorder). We’ve lived through the harsh reality of RAD for years now and can safely say we found our “groove” and can handle....
More at http://10kidsin2010.blogspot.com/2012/03/empathy-or-lack-there-of.html
More at http://10kidsin2010.blogspot.com/2012/03/empathy-or-lack-there-of.html
Official Report - Captioning Quotas "Exceeded" In UK Television Broadcast
The UK communications regulator Ofcom has just released its final report on television access services in 2011. As in previous reports, it found that the majority of broadcasters exceeded their quotas for captioning, audio description and signing.
More at http://www.mediaaccess.org.au/latest_news/general/uk-tv-exceeded-access-quotas-throughout-2011
More at http://www.mediaaccess.org.au/latest_news/general/uk-tv-exceeded-access-quotas-throughout-2011
Post Surgery Update
Well, almost immediately after my last post, it was almost time to give Hunter some of the pain meds. He was pretty fussy, but it hadn’t been exactly 4 hours yet so I let him lay on me for a bit and he ended up falling asleep.
More at http://angelicears.blogspot.com/2012/03/post-surgery-update.html
More at http://angelicears.blogspot.com/2012/03/post-surgery-update.html
Surgery Pictures
This was when we first got to the hotel room in NOLA, he’s ready to party! Waiting room area at Ochsner’s Loving on everyone! First pic post surgery… a little swollen Pooped with his santa in tow… yes, it’s Christmas all year round at our house.
More at http://angelicears.blogspot.com/2012/03/surgery-pictures.html
More at http://angelicears.blogspot.com/2012/03/surgery-pictures.html
Should Very Minor Hearing Aid Issues Require Several Visits to the Audiologist?
A new student’s hearing aid somehow keeps “breaking” according to his mother and teachers. The mother repeatedly made appointments with his audiologists to have them fix the “broken” hearing aid.
More at http://www.ehwhathuh.com/2012/03/how-audiologists-deal-with-minor.html
More at http://www.ehwhathuh.com/2012/03/how-audiologists-deal-with-minor.html
Deaf Logos
A serious look at culturally Deaf logos for businesses and organizations in the Deaf community.
More at http://www.adreanaline.com/blog/2012/03/deaf-logos/
More at http://www.adreanaline.com/blog/2012/03/deaf-logos/
Solicitors to issue Guidelines the deaf access
But no advice on who provides for or pays for the necessary support…… we want support in place immediately not guidelines. Are the guidelines enforceable even?
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/solicitors-to-issue-guidelines-deaf.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/solicitors-to-issue-guidelines-deaf.html
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
"C.I." Word Causes Change Of Heart Toward Switched At Birth As Big "D" Deaf Launches Petition Against It
Gee, the childishness never ends...
ABC Family first dropped the ball by hiring an actress who is not Deaf.
ABC Family dropped the ball a second time by not having any culturally Deaf script writers.
ABC Family has dropped the ball a third time by taking a show that can do so much good for promoting Deaf awareness rather than “sensationalizing/dramatizing” it.
More at http://www.mishkazena.com/2012/03/28/petition-against-switched-at-birth/
ABC Family first dropped the ball by hiring an actress who is not Deaf.
ABC Family dropped the ball a second time by not having any culturally Deaf script writers.
ABC Family has dropped the ball a third time by taking a show that can do so much good for promoting Deaf awareness rather than “sensationalizing/dramatizing” it.
More at http://www.mishkazena.com/2012/03/28/petition-against-switched-at-birth/
They Asked For It - No Surprise The Big "D" Deaf Are Insulted In Ohio
Some members of the deaf community plan to continue their fight against an administrative change at the Iowa School for the Deaf approved last week by the Board of Regents.
More at http://www.deafiablog.com/03/27/2012/deaf-school-supporters-insulted-by-new-chief/
More at http://www.deafiablog.com/03/27/2012/deaf-school-supporters-insulted-by-new-chief/
VRS Fraud Sentences Handed out
David Simmons got 1 year of probation, no special conditions, and must pay back $1 million in restitution.
Donald Tropp got 5 years of probation with a special condition and must pay back $2.5 million in restitution.
Jessica Bacallao got 5 years of probation with special conditions, no fine, and must jointly pay back $2.5 million in restitution.
Wanda Hutchinson got 5 years of probation with a special condition, no fine, and must jointly pay back $2.5 million in restitution.
Donald Tropp got 5 years of probation with a special condition and must pay back $2.5 million in restitution.
Jessica Bacallao got 5 years of probation with special conditions, no fine, and must jointly pay back $2.5 million in restitution.
Wanda Hutchinson got 5 years of probation with a special condition, no fine, and must jointly pay back $2.5 million in restitution.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
VRS case: The community speaks!
Just in case the moderator doesn't publish my response to his blog posting.
I personally played a small yet decent role in getting the TRS cases to take place since in the summer of 2010 I got a credible tip that the TRS funding system was being exploited by high profile members in the deaf community.
This has led me to develop a website http://tinyurl.com/stop-trs-fraud that allowed people to submit anonymous tips that I passed on to the authorities. The response was very good and our readers have submitted dozens of tips. Out of the tips received 9 so far have become TRS cases.
I’m proud of what I am doing and I’m proud of the results too.
Richard Roehm
The Answers…
1) I just wished they serve longer prison times. The judges literally have been giving them slaps on their wrists.
2) Hell no! They took advantage of a system that was designed to help the deaf community communicate with the rest of the society.
3) I see both positive and negative changes. The positive side is that the TRS industry is finally facing the fact that their secretive deaf world is not so secret after all. The negative part is that the deaf pillars for whom the deaf community have been looking up to all the years is knocked down by the TRS fraud cases leaving them confused and distrustful of high profile deaf role models.
4) Becoming a pillar in the deaf community while committing TRS crimes is a disgrace. It hurts the deaf community as a whole. Public’s attitude toward deaf community have been harsher since the cases started and they are not really listening to the voices and concerns from deaf people anymore. I made a youtube video 2 weeks ago asking people this question http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhKr1_GlpHM
I personally played a small yet decent role in getting the TRS cases to take place since in the summer of 2010 I got a credible tip that the TRS funding system was being exploited by high profile members in the deaf community.
This has led me to develop a website http://tinyurl.com/stop-trs-fraud that allowed people to submit anonymous tips that I passed on to the authorities. The response was very good and our readers have submitted dozens of tips. Out of the tips received 9 so far have become TRS cases.
I’m proud of what I am doing and I’m proud of the results too.
Richard Roehm
The Answers…
1) I just wished they serve longer prison times. The judges literally have been giving them slaps on their wrists.
2) Hell no! They took advantage of a system that was designed to help the deaf community communicate with the rest of the society.
3) I see both positive and negative changes. The positive side is that the TRS industry is finally facing the fact that their secretive deaf world is not so secret after all. The negative part is that the deaf pillars for whom the deaf community have been looking up to all the years is knocked down by the TRS fraud cases leaving them confused and distrustful of high profile deaf role models.
4) Becoming a pillar in the deaf community while committing TRS crimes is a disgrace. It hurts the deaf community as a whole. Public’s attitude toward deaf community have been harsher since the cases started and they are not really listening to the voices and concerns from deaf people anymore. I made a youtube video 2 weeks ago asking people this question http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhKr1_GlpHM
Monday, March 26, 2012
Indiana Deaf 13yr old boy and 8yr old deaf girl caught having sex in school bus
Caught having sex on school bus. Two young deaf students were caught on camera having sex on a school bus while adults and other students were present. Police said the 13-year-old boy and eight-year-old girl were students at the Indiana School for the Deaf in Hamilton County. A video camera on board the Noblesville bus recorded the incident, which took place on February 1.
Read more at http://www.wane.com/dpp/news/indiana/ind-kids-13-8-had-sex-on-school-bus
Read more at http://www.wane.com/dpp/news/indiana/ind-kids-13-8-had-sex-on-school-bus
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Coming Soon - New Wireless Doorbell System For Deaf And Hard Of Hearing Communities
Here at Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center we will be offering a new wireless doorbell light alert system for the deaf and hard of hearing community members.

As seen in the picture the doorbell button lights up to let you know its sending the signal to the receiver that lights up in different colors to let you know someone is at the door. The signal unit is very portable and is almost as twice as big as the doorbell button.

This is convenient for you to put in your living rooms, office cubicle, atop your videophone. Over 50 meters range so this could be good for gated apartments.
Best of all it's wireless and battery operated and carries a zero to tiny risk of electrical shock unlike using the old hardwired doorbell light system I invented in the early 80's.
Richard Roehm

As seen in the picture the doorbell button lights up to let you know its sending the signal to the receiver that lights up in different colors to let you know someone is at the door. The signal unit is very portable and is almost as twice as big as the doorbell button.

This is convenient for you to put in your living rooms, office cubicle, atop your videophone. Over 50 meters range so this could be good for gated apartments.
Best of all it's wireless and battery operated and carries a zero to tiny risk of electrical shock unlike using the old hardwired doorbell light system I invented in the early 80's.
Richard Roehm
Monday, March 19, 2012
UK Deaf still embracing Patronage...
Royal Patron to Attend British Deaf Association’s First British Sign Language Symposium
The British Deaf Association (BDA) is delighted to be welcoming its Patron, The Duke of York, to its first ever British Sign Language (BSL) Symposium in London next week (19 March).
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/uk-deaf-still-embracing-patronage.html
The British Deaf Association (BDA) is delighted to be welcoming its Patron, The Duke of York, to its first ever British Sign Language (BSL) Symposium in London next week (19 March).
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/uk-deaf-still-embracing-patronage.html
Vague language vs. ambiguity
When I talk to people about vague language, they often ask me what is the difference between vague language and ambiguity. I just thought of a handy example.
More at http://terptrans.com/2012/03/18/vague-language-vs-ambiguity/
More at http://terptrans.com/2012/03/18/vague-language-vs-ambiguity/
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Website I am Looking at to Help With Buying a New Hearing Aid
I am currently looking at Consumer Reports’ website to help me with the task of looking at buying a new hearing aid. It contains a lot of useful information and good advice.
More at http://www.ehwhathuh.com/2012/03/website-i-am-looking-at-to-help-with.html
More at http://www.ehwhathuh.com/2012/03/website-i-am-looking-at-to-help-with.html
Mixed Feelings About Getting a New Hearing Aid
I have had my hearing aid since 2006. I think it is time for a new one; something sleeker with better sound quality. I like the idea of having something lighter and more comfortable hanging on my ear.
More at http://www.ehwhathuh.com/2012/03/mixed-feelings-about-getting-new.html
More at http://www.ehwhathuh.com/2012/03/mixed-feelings-about-getting-new.html
Three Years!
I almost forgot March was when I got my first CI in 2009. Has it really been 3 years already?! I had to check on the exact date and looks like it was March 5th when I had my surgery and March 23rd was activation day.
More at http://lifeisaboutcreatingyourself.wordpress.com/2012/03/17/three-years/
More at http://lifeisaboutcreatingyourself.wordpress.com/2012/03/17/three-years/
Time is a Funny Thing
Back in the States I was constantly on the go after all time is money, right? Or at least that’s the general attitude that we have in America. It’s the complete opposite here in Kenya.
More at http://lifeisaboutcreatingyourself.wordpress.com/2012/03/17/time-is-a-funny-thing/
More at http://lifeisaboutcreatingyourself.wordpress.com/2012/03/17/time-is-a-funny-thing/
The 5 Secrets of Leprechaun Health
You might’ve noticed that those little leprechauns meandering around today on St. Patrick’s day have little round bellies. They fall in the overweight category, rather than obese, but they’re quite fine with this.
More at http://www.thegoblinroad.com/blog/2012/03/17/the-5-secrets-of-leprechaun-health/
More at http://www.thegoblinroad.com/blog/2012/03/17/the-5-secrets-of-leprechaun-health/
Cochlear implants what to do and what not to do…
This blog follows my journey of 2 different cochlear implants and my condition: Multiple mitochondrial DNA deletionsI have started this blog 15 yrs too late but ill try my best to fit it all in! I have packed a lot of medical jargon into my life since I was 8.
More at http://lozsmedicaljourney.blogspot.com/2012/03/cochlear-implants-what-to-do-and-what.html
More at http://lozsmedicaljourney.blogspot.com/2012/03/cochlear-implants-what-to-do-and-what.html
Your Film Opportunity! New International Captioning Awareness Campaign
THE FILM! Please contact CCAC now to be emailed the Film Instructions. We want YOU to be in our film if you are a “consumer” using captioning – for new international campaign to raise awareness about needs for captioning/subtitling inclusion in everyday life.
More at http://ccacblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/17/your-film-opportunity-new-international-captioning-awareness-campaign/
More at http://ccacblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/17/your-film-opportunity-new-international-captioning-awareness-campaign/
Things here have been hectic and are about to become more hectic!! Happy St Patrick’s Day!! My mum’s father is Irish so it is much more special to him than us, but we still enjoy hearing about the festivities.
More at http://bioniclissa.blogspot.com/2012/03/hectic.html
More at http://bioniclissa.blogspot.com/2012/03/hectic.html
Selective Obstinacy (Revenge of the Deafie).
In response to the increasing hysterical 'gung-ho' comments of DonG and others regarding the virtue of not using a voice even if you have one, accompanied by Yahooooo for deaf culture! I feel I must take issue on the stand that undermines the access and unity of deafened and acquired deaf people as well as dragging deaf culture into disrepute.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/selective-obstinacy-revenge-of-deafie.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/selective-obstinacy-revenge-of-deafie.html
A Crisis at Iowa School for the Deaf
An ISD staff member explains the situation facing ISD with the search for the new superintendent. Since the state reduced the budget for ISD, it's now thinking about transferring the current superintendent of Iowa School for the Blind to ISD.
More at http://www.mishkazena.com/2012/03/17/a-crisis-at-iowa-school-for-the-deaf/
More at http://www.mishkazena.com/2012/03/17/a-crisis-at-iowa-school-for-the-deaf/
Survey Questions ASL 110
Due to you being deaf, do you feel there are certain things you missed out on? How did you become deaf? is it in your family? What would you like hearing people to know about being deaf in order to better our society and everyone's needs?
More at http://salinasurveyquestion.com/
More at http://salinasurveyquestion.com/
I Hit The Snooze Button On The Wake Up Calls
Being deaf, my alarm clock is not based on sound, but earthquake-level vibrations, where the entire mattress is lifted off the bed frame and I go flying into the ceiling with a loud THUD of an impact.
More at http://www.thegoblinroad.com/blog/2012/03/16/i-hit-the-snooze-button-on-the-wake-up-calls/
More at http://www.thegoblinroad.com/blog/2012/03/16/i-hit-the-snooze-button-on-the-wake-up-calls/
Toddlers Learning American Sign Language? Great idea!
One population that may be overlooked when it comes to thoughts about American Sign Language is toddlers! That period in life is ripe for absorbing amazing amounts of information and engaging in active learning about the world, which of course includes acquiring language and other communication skills.
More at http://blog.asldeafined.com/2012/03/toddlers-learning-american-sign-language-great-idea/
More at http://blog.asldeafined.com/2012/03/toddlers-learning-american-sign-language-great-idea/
We and our deaf kids are going crazy and the reason is ?
Deaf people are around twice as likely to have mental health problems as the general population. But where they require help, researchers report disparities in access to and quality of care according to a review in The Lancet.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/we-and-our-deaf-kids-are-going-crazy.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/we-and-our-deaf-kids-are-going-crazy.html
Show Off Your Decorated Hearing Device
Do you own a hearing device that has been festooned with stickers? Bedazzled with rhinestones? Show it off here!
More at http://deckedouthearingaidsandcis.blogspot.com/2012/03/show-off-your-decorated-hearing-device.html
More at http://deckedouthearingaidsandcis.blogspot.com/2012/03/show-off-your-decorated-hearing-device.html
Friday, March 16, 2012
What happens if the SL recognition app works?
There’s been a lot of chat in the Deaf-related press in the last couple of days about the announcement that an app is going to be developed that will allow a simple camera-equipped smart phone to ‘translate sign language into text’.
More at http://mikegulliver.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/what-happens-if-the-sl-recognition-app-works/
More at http://mikegulliver.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/what-happens-if-the-sl-recognition-app-works/
It's Not A Death Sentence, Just A Deaf Sentence
I had a friend many years ago who lost his hearing when he fell down his back porch steps. He hit his head in the fall and his hearing was gone in an instant. He was only 5 years old.
More at http://xpressivehandz.blogspot.com/2012/03/its-not-death-sentence-just-deaf.html
More at http://xpressivehandz.blogspot.com/2012/03/its-not-death-sentence-just-deaf.html
Rexton Cobalt 16 hearing aids - 3 year update
So, after having this set of hearing aids for three years now, I can say that I am still quite happy with them.
The bluetooth streaming has proven to be an absolute life-saver for watching movies at home, and being able to hear at church.
More at http://growingsilence.blogspot.com/2012/03/rexton-cobalt-16-hearing-aids-3-year.html
The bluetooth streaming has proven to be an absolute life-saver for watching movies at home, and being able to hear at church.
More at http://growingsilence.blogspot.com/2012/03/rexton-cobalt-16-hearing-aids-3-year.html
Nolan has been doing wonderfully. Really, I wouldn’t have guessed that the child would be out riding his bike a week after surgery – it is incredible.
More at http://saywhatmunchkins.blogspot.com/2012/03/bloated.html
More at http://saywhatmunchkins.blogspot.com/2012/03/bloated.html
HeLLo SuNsHiNe!
It has been absolutely beautiful out! And gorgeous weather = parktime! We went the other day after A got out of school (have I mentioned how much I LOVE having my afternoons back with him!).
More at http://texaskennys.blogspot.com/2012/03/hello-sunshine.html
More at http://texaskennys.blogspot.com/2012/03/hello-sunshine.html
In Which Someone Has A Smashing Good Time And It Is Not Me
While I was skating tonight, someone smashed out the passenger side window of our car (not Rowbert The Wheelchair Van, thank goodness) and stole Jeremy’s weightlifting bag.
More at http://connorssong.blogspot.com/2012/03/in-which-someone-has-smashing-good-time.html
More at http://connorssong.blogspot.com/2012/03/in-which-someone-has-smashing-good-time.html
Article on Hearing Aids in the Arizona Republic
This morning, as usual, I put out the newspapers for our library patrons to peruse over the course of the day. This morning when I opened up the Arizona Republic, I saw a huge front page article about the digital revolution in hearing aids.
More at http://hearingsparks.blogspot.com/2012/03/article-on-hearing-aids-in-arizona.html
More at http://hearingsparks.blogspot.com/2012/03/article-on-hearing-aids-in-arizona.html
Keeping the Faith
The following story is from the principal at St. Edward’s School in New Iberia, where I went to elementary school. I hope it touches you all as much as it touched our family This is the story of two journeysintertwined in the affirmation and blessings of God.
More at http://angelicears.blogspot.com/2012/03/keeping-faith.html
More at http://angelicears.blogspot.com/2012/03/keeping-faith.html
Tanya Natalie Parks (nee Krueger) January 15, 1973 to March 7, 2012 Tanya was my best friend. The day of her death marked the 21st anniversary of our relationship.
More at http://theenergyofx.wordpress.com/2012/03/16/eulogy/
More at http://theenergyofx.wordpress.com/2012/03/16/eulogy/
Rookie Mistake
So, a couple of weeks ago I got to observe in the OR for a week as part of the program I was participating in. The first day was disastrous, to put it mildly.
More at http://cacophonytosymphony.blogspot.com/2012/03/rookie-mistake.html
More at http://cacophonytosymphony.blogspot.com/2012/03/rookie-mistake.html
Nik’s makings
Haven’t done one of these in awhile & considering how Nik is always making something, I figured it was time. The other day, Nik wanted to make a birdhouse and a bird feeder. He saw the one I had hidden in my closet.
More at http://10kidsin2010.blogspot.com/2012/03/niks-makings_16.html
More at http://10kidsin2010.blogspot.com/2012/03/niks-makings_16.html
ASL interpreted music video: The Best Thing I Never Had
I love how they blended Kelly's interpretation into the video. This is wonderful. It would have been even better with captions, but the lyrics are below the video.
More at http://xpressivehandz.blogspot.com/2012/03/asl-interpreted-music-video-best-thing.html
More at http://xpressivehandz.blogspot.com/2012/03/asl-interpreted-music-video-best-thing.html
News: Fulham football club appoint deaf Vice Chairman
Fulham Football Club have appointed Karim Fayed, son of Chairman Mohamed Al Fayed, to the position of Vice Chairman.
Karim, who is profoundly deaf, is also currently a Director of the club and has previously been involved with Fulham Deaf Football Club.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/15/news-fulham-football-club-appoint-deaf-vice-chairman/
Karim, who is profoundly deaf, is also currently a Director of the club and has previously been involved with Fulham Deaf Football Club.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/15/news-fulham-football-club-appoint-deaf-vice-chairman/
Wales Festival of Sign
Deaf Access Cymru is organising its first camping / caravaning "Wales Festival of Sign" in Llanidloes, Powys (Mid Wales) over the weekend the 2nd to the 4th June 2012.
More at http://byddarcymru.blogspot.com/2012/03/wales-festival-of-sign.html
More at http://byddarcymru.blogspot.com/2012/03/wales-festival-of-sign.html
Deafinitions: playing the deaf card
Playing the deaf card” is a phrase Deafies use to refer to using your deafness to your advantage.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/16/deafinitions-playing-the-deaf-card/
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/16/deafinitions-playing-the-deaf-card/
Bali's Village of the deaf
A NON-DEAF BOY SIGNS HIS NAME IN THE CLASSROOM AT BENGKALA’S PRIMARY SCHOOL.Around the world, there are fewer than a dozen village-based sign languages that have sprung up to accommodate the local deaf.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/balis-village-of-deaf.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/balis-village-of-deaf.html
Please Keep Deaf schools ! pleads Sarah.
The Ontario government should look at all options before it tries saving money “on the backs of deaf children,” says a deaf Belleville mother of four.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/please-keep-deaf-schools-pleads-sarah.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/please-keep-deaf-schools-pleads-sarah.html
Will Rocky Mountain Deaf School Get New Home?
The Rocky Mountain Deaf School is trying to build a new home for itself. Its current home is to say the least, substandard. Would you want your child attending school next door to a bar?
More at http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/30677341/detail.html
More at http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/30677341/detail.html
Post Implant Audiogram
Posted in Cochlear Implant Finally, I have my first audiogram since I’ve been activated! The chart looks thrilling indeed but what’s more thrilling is the following: 1) My speech comprehension (in a quiet environment) is 100%.
More at http://www.bilaterallynumb.com/post-implant-audiogram/
More at http://www.bilaterallynumb.com/post-implant-audiogram/
Born to be Silly
Queen Teen has a hard time signing the letter Y. Her pinky won’t stick up as it should. Yesterday, she told a friend that she can’t make a Y. Instead, she held up her fist with just the thumb sticking out. “This is how I do it.”
More at http://gravity-check.blogspot.com/2012/03/born-to-be-silly.html
More at http://gravity-check.blogspot.com/2012/03/born-to-be-silly.html
Watching the neighbors lights
One day in February we were walking into the house and the neighbors Christmas lights were in. Jason threw a tantrum because I made him go in the house. So Jason and I got a blanket and a chair and sat outside to enjoy the light show.
More at http://melnbrettlutzfamily.blogspot.com/2012/03/watching-neighbors-lights.html
More at http://melnbrettlutzfamily.blogspot.com/2012/03/watching-neighbors-lights.html
Indiana Governor Daniels Signs HB 1367 Into Law
Parent choice is now a law in Indiana! House Enrolled Act 1367 was signed by Gov. Daniels this afternoon.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Black, Gay, Women Rights. Deaf Rights?
I have been observing some of the 'Deaf' rights movement for the past several years and I had to wonder if they really knew what they were doing. They kept comparing their movement with black movement, gay movement, women movement and such.
More at http://theholism.blogspot.com/2012/03/i-have-been-observing-some-of-deaf.html
More at http://theholism.blogspot.com/2012/03/i-have-been-observing-some-of-deaf.html
Meet: Billy Read, deaf dancer
So, here we are having a little tour around the mind of Billy Read, creator of and dancer with DefMotion and all round good egg (although he did agree that I could introduce him as an International Superhero of Renown if I so wished).
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/15/meet-billy-read-deaf-dancer/
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/15/meet-billy-read-deaf-dancer/
Selective Mutism
He has selective hearing. People say this a lot about hard of hearing folk. Wives chide their husbands with this bon mot; parents do the same with their teenagers, who hear the vibration of their pagers in noisy rooms, but miss repeated requests to take out the trash.
More at http://deafecho.com/2012/03/selective-mutism/
More at http://deafecho.com/2012/03/selective-mutism/
Rural Chicken: Brooding on things
Recently, I got offended. I am generally quite mellow. Not to the extent that anybody would write a song about it, but it generally takes a lot to ruffle my feathers (cough).
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/15/rural-chicken-brooding-on-things/
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/15/rural-chicken-brooding-on-things/
Cinema at the Coop: Trailer for the play ‘Bee Detective’
Hot off the press, here's the fantastic teaser-trailer by deaf animator James Merry for the upcoming children's play Bee Detective, written by deaf playwright Sophie Woolley.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/15/cinema-at-the-coop-trailer-for-bee-detective/
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/15/cinema-at-the-coop-trailer-for-bee-detective/
Deaf rights????
While ago when I saw radical big “D” militants were being protested for deaf rights. I was okay by it because that is the way we can preserve our own language. I believe signing ASL is very beautiful. I recall that I was sitting in city bus with my friend and we chatted for many blocks.
More at http://willy-cavvy-willy.blogspot.com/2012/03/deaf-rights.html
More at http://willy-cavvy-willy.blogspot.com/2012/03/deaf-rights.html
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
AFA's Demands. EHDI's Response.
One other letter was brought to my attention just now and due to the nature of recent debates on AFA (Audism Free America) and EHDI (Early Hearing Detection & Intervention) I thought I'd share this one with you. This one was written some time in Janyary 2012 and is older than the earlier one I posted.
More at http://theholism.blogspot.com/2012/03/afas-demands-ehdis-response.htm
More at http://theholism.blogspot.com/2012/03/afas-demands-ehdis-response.htm
There I was, quietly napping one evening on the sofa after work
Not prone in a deep sleep mind you, just sitting up in that slightly slouched position which makes mothers break down at the lack of propriety. That wonderful feeling descending upon me of peace and bliss as my brain shifted into neutral...all was serene...I floated off...
More at http://bewilderedcoda.blogspot.com/2012/02/there-i-was-quietly-napping-one-evening.html
More at http://bewilderedcoda.blogspot.com/2012/02/there-i-was-quietly-napping-one-evening.html
Happy Pi Day
It’s Pi Day – go make a pie ;D Why? Did you know that Pi – 3.14 – backwards, spells pie? Check it out. Release your inner math geek!
More at http://herdinggrasshoppers.blogspot.com/2012/03/happy-pi-day.html
More at http://herdinggrasshoppers.blogspot.com/2012/03/happy-pi-day.html
Lemonade Stands and Nerf Guns.
It’s 80 degrees at 4pm and all of the kids are out. The 2nd and 3rd grade boys set up a lemonade stand on the corner yesterday complete with a money box, signage, and even portable speakers for their iPod.
More at http://livelaughlovefamily.blogspot.com/2012/03/lemonade-stands-and-nerf-guns.html
More at http://livelaughlovefamily.blogspot.com/2012/03/lemonade-stands-and-nerf-guns.html
The Clutter Basket
Without a doubt the boys love their sister. But we are entering into a new arena these days. It’s an arena many parents with children with special needs and their siblings are already in knee deep.
More at http://iveysirmans.blogspot.com/2012/03/clutter-basket.html
More at http://iveysirmans.blogspot.com/2012/03/clutter-basket.html
Something “Interesting”
Several months ago I saw a well thought out on-line booklet (in Hebrew) on the topic “Me and My Family”. I printed it out, and saved it for use this summer. However, one day about a month ago Ricki noticed it, and took possession of it, “Lock, stock, and barrel”…..
More at http://beneaththewings.blogspot.com/2012/03/something-interesting.html
More at http://beneaththewings.blogspot.com/2012/03/something-interesting.html
Rubbish subtitles: an update
In the past couple of weeks, I’ve found myself unexpectedly in the Daily Mail, the Metro, Digital Spy and the Sun. Sadly, it wasn’t due to scandal or celebrity mayhem.
More at http://iannoon.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/rubbish-subtitles-an-update/
More at http://iannoon.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/rubbish-subtitles-an-update/
Cardiff City Deaf Youth. National champs
CARDIFF City Deaf side has swept the board to become national champions at an annual tournament for deaf young players, held by the National Deaf Children’s Society in Liverpool.Cardiff’s under-16 and under-12 teams were both victorious at the Northern Region of the National Deaf Youth Football Tournament.
More at http://byddarcymru.blogspot.com/2012/03/cardiff-city-deaf-youth-national-champs.html
More at http://byddarcymru.blogspot.com/2012/03/cardiff-city-deaf-youth-national-champs.html
My local Asda store does employ deaf people
You will remember I did a post once where I gave up looking for work that gave me more hours than I currently do. And I put it down to that some of where I applied did not want to take on a deaf person.
More at http://lizsdeafblog.blogspot.com/2012/03/my-local-asda-store-does-employ-deaf.html
More at http://lizsdeafblog.blogspot.com/2012/03/my-local-asda-store-does-employ-deaf.html
Deaf Dad: Flindy Dondy and Tinky Tonky
One of the best bits of being a Dad is being a bit random (or more accurately, silly) with Toddler and Baby as often as I can.
Kids love it when you take a step back from being a serious adult in order to pretend that they can push you over with the mildest shove, that you’re deeply upset because there’s no chocolate left in the fridge (this doesn’t take much acting by the way) or that you can’t help tripping over in the street.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/14/deaf-dad-flindy-dondy-and-tinky-tonky/
Kids love it when you take a step back from being a serious adult in order to pretend that they can push you over with the mildest shove, that you’re deeply upset because there’s no chocolate left in the fridge (this doesn’t take much acting by the way) or that you can’t help tripping over in the street.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/14/deaf-dad-flindy-dondy-and-tinky-tonky/
Deaf Vloggers Daily Digest March 14, 2012 - Collection Of Deaf Community Video Blogs
This is a select collection of freshly posted YouTube videos by members of the hearing impaired community. This makes Eye Fire Vlogs website a leading collection of drama-free video blogs. This a good place for the hearing people to practice their sign language reception skills.
More at http://eyefirevlogs.com/eyefire2/?p=24321
More at http://eyefirevlogs.com/eyefire2/?p=24321
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Update: Maternity unit offer Deaf father-to-be an interpreter
Last week, I wrote a Deaf Dad column about a Deaf father-to-be who hadn’t been offered an interpreter at his girlfriend’s 12 week scan.
I wrote about the email we sent the maternity unit, arguing on both legal and ethical grounds that support should be offered to give him equal access to information.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/13/update-maternity-unit-offer-deaf-father-to-be-an-interpreter-at-12-week-scan/
I wrote about the email we sent the maternity unit, arguing on both legal and ethical grounds that support should be offered to give him equal access to information.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/13/update-maternity-unit-offer-deaf-father-to-be-an-interpreter-at-12-week-scan/
Zhou Ye does an Interpreter first for the Chinese deaf.
Zhou Ye once had a choice to make: Be a model shining on a T-shaped stage or teach sign language to those with hearing disabilities.
Standing 173 centimeters and having passed a strict interview, she set her eyes on modeling.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/zhou-ye-does-interpreter-first-for.html
Standing 173 centimeters and having passed a strict interview, she set her eyes on modeling.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/zhou-ye-does-interpreter-first-for.html
Coffee cup thoughts
Over my morning coffee, I thought about how much I am enjoying being able to hear now, even though some days I have to bite my tongue when it gets too loud. Last night I made a cup of tea in the kitchen and I could hear when the kettle boiled SSSSSSSSSSSSSS and it was ready to pour.
More at http://funnyoldlife.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/coffee-cup-thoughts/
More at http://funnyoldlife.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/coffee-cup-thoughts/
Rubbish subtitles: an update
In the past couple of weeks, I’ve found myself unexpectedly in the Daily Mail, the Metro, Digital Spy and the Sun. Sadly, it wasn’t due to scandal or celebrity mayhem. Instead, with my NDCS hat on, I had put my name to a quote lambasting ITV for their rubbish live subtitles for Dancing on Ice.
More at http://iannoon.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/rubbish-subtitles-an-update/
More at http://iannoon.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/rubbish-subtitles-an-update/
The effects of dim lighting
Restaurants are a common setting for social gatherings with your co-workers, friends, and families. For those with hearing loss, however, this often means dealing with poor lighting.
On our Facebook page, a member posted about dealing with dim lighting at a restaurant.
More at http://www.outerchat.com/?p=433
On our Facebook page, a member posted about dealing with dim lighting at a restaurant.
More at http://www.outerchat.com/?p=433
Feeling Warm and Fuzzy
A good thing happened the night before last.
Kerry burned his toast. (No, that's not it.)
It set off the smoke alarms. (No, not so wonderful either.)
More at http://herdinggrasshoppers.blogspot.com/2012/03/feeling-warm-and-fuzzy.html
Kerry burned his toast. (No, that's not it.)
It set off the smoke alarms. (No, not so wonderful either.)
More at http://herdinggrasshoppers.blogspot.com/2012/03/feeling-warm-and-fuzzy.html
Something “Interesting”
Several months ago I saw a well thought out on-line booklet (in Hebrew) on the topic “Me and My Family”. I printed it out, and saved it for use this summer. However, one day about a month ago Ricki noticed it, and took possession of it, “Lock, stock, and barrel”…..
More at http://beneaththewings.blogspot.com/2012/03/something-interesting.html
More at http://beneaththewings.blogspot.com/2012/03/something-interesting.html
Writing A Eulogy
I may be away from this space for a while.
Last Wednesday, my best friend Tanya took her life.
She had struggled with anxiety and depression for many years.
More at http://theenergyofx.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/writing-a-eulogy/
Last Wednesday, my best friend Tanya took her life.
She had struggled with anxiety and depression for many years.
More at http://theenergyofx.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/writing-a-eulogy/
Kidney Disease and Hearing Loss
Recently, I read a blog that mentioned kidney disease and hearing loss. You can read the post HERE.
My husband, Terry, and I have been married almost 26 years. He was born with only one kidney, and the one he has doesn’t work ideally.
More at http://hearingelmo.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/kidney-disease-and-hearing-loss/
My husband, Terry, and I have been married almost 26 years. He was born with only one kidney, and the one he has doesn’t work ideally.
More at http://hearingelmo.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/kidney-disease-and-hearing-loss/
Monday, March 12, 2012
While Maintaining Balance On EHDI Bloggings, Caution Is Advised
This blog wire has to present both sides of the bloggings related to EHDI. Some people say its a good experience, and some say its a bad experience.
What I see is that AFA and DBC made no effort to seek common ground with EHDI and the people and the organizations associated with it. The snubbed invites to join the discussions in the meetings and had an offensive booth from DBC on exhibit at their event.
They can do better than this. They have plenty of opportunities for improvement and to grow up from their childish ideologies and approaches.
They better use up these opportunities to seek common ground and coexist with EHDI.
Richard Roehm
What I see is that AFA and DBC made no effort to seek common ground with EHDI and the people and the organizations associated with it. The snubbed invites to join the discussions in the meetings and had an offensive booth from DBC on exhibit at their event.
They can do better than this. They have plenty of opportunities for improvement and to grow up from their childish ideologies and approaches.
They better use up these opportunities to seek common ground and coexist with EHDI.
Richard Roehm
Paul's Commentary: A Lesson Learned at EHDI!
I agree with others about how things need to be done. I did learn a lot about EHDI the past few years. It was encouraging to see more Deaf leaders getting involved in or out of EHDI. Not 50% but yes, legally 51% – this gives deaf consumers of education and services more say in policies and procedures affecting us all.
More at http://deafadvocate.blogspot.com/2012/03/pauls-commentary-lesson-learned-at-ehdi.html
More at http://deafadvocate.blogspot.com/2012/03/pauls-commentary-lesson-learned-at-ehdi.html
What Had Happened at ST Louis EHDI 2012 at DBC Booth
A parent came to me at the booth with an expression of great appreciation and said, John, THANK YOU!
After the pause, he said that he cried after I gave my presentation. That was at Dallas EHDI 2009. We talked for a few minutes about his experience of my presentation.
More at http://johnfegbert.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/what-had-happened-at-st-louis-ehdi-2012-at-dbc-booth/
After the pause, he said that he cried after I gave my presentation. That was at Dallas EHDI 2009. We talked for a few minutes about his experience of my presentation.
More at http://johnfegbert.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/what-had-happened-at-st-louis-ehdi-2012-at-dbc-booth/
Andrew Hearn: Escaping the airport police
Every evening after work, I get on a bus to Gatwick Airport to catch the train home.
As I walk through the airport, I enjoy observing all sorts of people from countries high, low, hot, cold, near, and far. It affirms the melting pot’ness of Britain – that we’re all different but the same.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/13/andrew-hearn-escaping-the-airport-police/
As I walk through the airport, I enjoy observing all sorts of people from countries high, low, hot, cold, near, and far. It affirms the melting pot’ness of Britain – that we’re all different but the same.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/13/andrew-hearn-escaping-the-airport-police/
My Humiliating Experience at St Louis EHDI 2012 Conference
My wife, Shirley Frelich Egbert and I each both had experienced an embarrassing and humiliating experience during the St Louis EHDI 2012 Conference in the exhibition booth area by Karl White, the director/coordinator of the Early Hearing Detection Intervention (EHDI) conference and the security guards under the direction of Karl White.
More at http://johnfegbert.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/my-humiliating-experience-at-st-louis-ehdi-2012-conference/
More at http://johnfegbert.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/my-humiliating-experience-at-st-louis-ehdi-2012-conference/
Matt Gilbert. ability not disability.
TUCKED away in the corner of a café in Llanelli sits Mat Gilbert, the softy spoken back-row forward making such a name for himself at the Scarlets.
His try-scoring record in Europe this season speaks for itself and his strong ball carrying ability has resulted in comparisons with team-mate and fellow England-born back-rower Ben Morgan.
More at http://byddarcymru.blogspot.com/2012/03/matt-gilbert.html
His try-scoring record in Europe this season speaks for itself and his strong ball carrying ability has resulted in comparisons with team-mate and fellow England-born back-rower Ben Morgan.
More at http://byddarcymru.blogspot.com/2012/03/matt-gilbert.html
Today I received my first SKIN IT for my N5 processor. It looks awesome. I cannot wait to go to opening day wearing this. SKIN It is available for any processor. Below you click on what processor you have and it will go right to the website. I will definitely be getting more!!!
More at http://growinguphardofhearing.blogspot.com/2012/03/skin-it.html
More at http://growinguphardofhearing.blogspot.com/2012/03/skin-it.html
Sharla’s Story (another Esteem patient)
Hi all, I know many of you are seeking experiences from other Esteem patients besides myself. I'm gonna see if I can get more friends to share – both those who have had great success and those who's experience has been less than ideal.
More at http://alreadygone78.livejournal.com/9739.html
More at http://alreadygone78.livejournal.com/9739.html
If you’d like to connect with more Esteem patients…
If you have a Facebook page, please join our group – Envoy Esteem Patients Group: http://www.facebook.com/messages/100001929337682#!/groups/241235109304753/.
More at http://alreadygone78.livejournal.com/10199.html
More at http://alreadygone78.livejournal.com/10199.html
Nice start to my week...
Before taking off for work, I checked my emails real quick at home. I saw that I had an i711.com relay message..
More at http://cdm85.blogspot.com/2012/03/nice-start-to-my-week.html
More at http://cdm85.blogspot.com/2012/03/nice-start-to-my-week.html
A Bitch Slap Coupon for AFA
Audism Free America (AFA), a grassroot organization, has been going after any oral affiliated organizations that promote audism, especially Alexander Graham Bell Organization. However, I am not going to waste much of this space by promoting AFA's mission.
More at http://dawnschriver.blogspot.com/2012/03/bitch-slap-coupon-for-afa.html
More at http://dawnschriver.blogspot.com/2012/03/bitch-slap-coupon-for-afa.html
How To Do A Seismic Shift In EHDI?
Keep in mind that what I am proposing here does not mean that we will be able to 100% control our message. That is impossible. But we can control it enough to the point where our opponents attack us, they will look foolish and/or make mistakes.
More at http://thedeafedge.org/2012/03/how-to-do-a-seismic-shift-in-ehdi/
More at http://thedeafedge.org/2012/03/how-to-do-a-seismic-shift-in-ehdi/
The AFA Protests At EHDI
Last week, the Audism Free America [AFA] organization held a protest rally at the Early Hearing Detection Intervention [EHDI] conference, headed by Karl White of the National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management [NCHAM].
More at http://thedeafedge.org/2012/03/the-afa-protests-at-ehdi/
More at http://thedeafedge.org/2012/03/the-afa-protests-at-ehdi/
Oh Really? (for The Deaf Edge)
Instead of leaving a comment under your recent blog I thought I'd respond via my own blog. One reason is because I know you do not like me. This much is evident every where.
More at http://theholism.blogspot.com/2012/03/oh-really-for-thedeafedge.html
More at http://theholism.blogspot.com/2012/03/oh-really-for-thedeafedge.html
Scientists translate sign language to text in pioneering phone software
PIONEERING technology which translates sign language into text is being developed by Scottish scientists in a major boost for people suffering from speech and hearing difficulties.
More at http://deafphilippines.wordpress.com/2012/03/12/scientists-translate-sign-language-to-text-in-pioneering-phone-software/
More at http://deafphilippines.wordpress.com/2012/03/12/scientists-translate-sign-language-to-text-in-pioneering-phone-software/
Signing Hands Across the Water
Signing Hands Across the Water An International Festival of Sign Language Poetry from the United Kindom and the United States On March 16th – 18th 2012, Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania, USA, celebrates sign language poetry.
More at http://deafecho.com/2012/03/signing-hands-across-the-water/
More at http://deafecho.com/2012/03/signing-hands-across-the-water/
Sibings, Disability and My Brother, Dana
This is the first of a series of posts about siblings/disability. That is, siblings of people with disabilities and people with disabilities and their siblings.
More at http://www.withalittlemoxie.com/2012/03/sibings-disability-and-my-brother-dana.html
More at http://www.withalittlemoxie.com/2012/03/sibings-disability-and-my-brother-dana.html
The Power of Text and Captioning
Here's a development in some newspapers today: [link] The more systems we have for translations, in all languages, to communicate WITH each other, the better.
More at http://ccacblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/12/the-power-of-text-and-captioning/
More at http://ccacblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/12/the-power-of-text-and-captioning/
Newswire VS Blogswire
With reference to the traffic, our Blogswire appears to get the better results. People are interested in what goes on in the minds of the hearing impaired, their associates, friends, and relatives. Sometimes it gets real hot when it comes mitigatory discussions and language discussions.
This blogswire is one of the most inclusive and comprehensive collection of blog postings relating to the hearing impaired.
This blogswire is one of the most inclusive and comprehensive collection of blog postings relating to the hearing impaired.
The Rest of the Week
Well you know about the first part of the week so here is the rest of the week.
It wasn’t much! Lindy stayed home from school Wednesday but we took her on Thursday and Friday. I picked her up a little bit early and took her to a follow-up appointment at the pediatrician’s office. She was satting 97 (yay!) when they checked her.
More at http://southernbabies.blogspot.com/2012/03/rest-of-week.html
It wasn’t much! Lindy stayed home from school Wednesday but we took her on Thursday and Friday. I picked her up a little bit early and took her to a follow-up appointment at the pediatrician’s office. She was satting 97 (yay!) when they checked her.
More at http://southernbabies.blogspot.com/2012/03/rest-of-week.html
Quick Weekend Recap
As parents we often approach new things with optimism with a side of reluctancy. Yesterday, we felt bold as parents….I know most parents bring their “typically” developing children to the movie theater for the first time at about 2 or 3, depending on many things.
More at http://mamatoadeafboy.wordpress.com/2012/03/11/quick-weekend-recap/
More at http://mamatoadeafboy.wordpress.com/2012/03/11/quick-weekend-recap/
Cultural Antipathy
My pleasant morning has been ruined while I was enjoying a fresh coffee brew out in the sunshine. I was idly skimming through Bazaar Magazine when I came across the following Q&A in the Mind Bubble page:
Q. If a baby was born with a birth defect and he can’t hear clearly without a hearing aid, will that lead to him being a slow learner?
More at http://www.bilaterallynumb.com/cultural-antipathy/
Q. If a baby was born with a birth defect and he can’t hear clearly without a hearing aid, will that lead to him being a slow learner?
More at http://www.bilaterallynumb.com/cultural-antipathy/
Portable Sign Language Translator
Now it is good to talk, and will open up the deaf world to those outside, will the deaf signer appreciate their world is about to be open to everyone ? A new app released next year, the Portable Sign Language Translator, will translate sign language into text.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/portable-sign-language-translator.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/portable-sign-language-translator.html
Danny turned 4 today, and it blows my mind. I think part of that, though, is that I’m still coming to terms with the fact that he’s NOT the baby anymore. He was the baby for so long that it seems odd to see him, all huge and big and grown up, beside his baby brother. When did that happen, anyway?
More at http://quietsong.net/?p=1366
More at http://quietsong.net/?p=1366
David’s Story: Living the Dream…
David lost his hearing at the age of six years old and received his first cochlear implant shortly thereafter. Then he received his second cochlear implant at the age of 14 years old. He shares his love for not only hearing sounds, but also supporting others with hearing loss!
More at http://cochlearimplantonline.com/site/davids-story-living-the-dream/
More at http://cochlearimplantonline.com/site/davids-story-living-the-dream/
EDLD 5326: "My goals for partnership community to advocate the Deaf and Hard of Hearing" Federico Quintana
My campus is a public high school with a day school program for deaf students; there are numerous challenges in deaf education The non-deaf student population at our campus is just over 1,000, while there are 40 deaf students. Most of the deaf students have tested lowest in all subject core areas, although this has had little impact on the status of the AEIS report because it is such a small subgroup.
More at http://deaflabresearch.blogspot.com/2012/03/edld-5326-my-goals-for-partnership.html
More at http://deaflabresearch.blogspot.com/2012/03/edld-5326-my-goals-for-partnership.html
The Secret Deafie: When I played the ‘deaf card’ – in a prime mugging spot
The Secret Deafie is a series of anonymous columns written by different writers. Our fifth contributor tells us about how he played the ‘deaf card’ in a prime mugging spot…
Many years ago I was walking home over a dual carriageway bridge – which I now realise was an ideal mugging spot, as it was away from the general public, from help etc.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/12/the-secret-deafie-when-i-played-the-deaf-card-in-a-prime-mugging-spot/
Many years ago I was walking home over a dual carriageway bridge – which I now realise was an ideal mugging spot, as it was away from the general public, from help etc.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/12/the-secret-deafie-when-i-played-the-deaf-card-in-a-prime-mugging-spot/
Sunday, March 11, 2012
How to interview a Deaf person
This blog will give you some tips on the how to interview a Deaf person and ensure that the appointment goes as smoothly as possible. There is further information at the end so you can read about Access to Work, which is funding available from the government to help pay for communication support...
More at http://terptree.blogspot.com/2012/03/how-to-interview-deaf-person.html
More at http://terptree.blogspot.com/2012/03/how-to-interview-deaf-person.html
Time to take down the Mask of Benevolence!
After reading "FORBIDDEN SIGNS: American Culture and the Campaign Against Sign Language" by Douglas C. Baynton and "The Mask of Benevolence: Disabling the Deaf Community" By Harlan Lane, it gives me more conviction to continue being the deaf rights activist and deaf advocate. It is very important to STAND up to those audists.
More at http://deafadvocate.blogspot.com/2012/03/time-to-take-down-mask-of-benevolence.html
More at http://deafadvocate.blogspot.com/2012/03/time-to-take-down-mask-of-benevolence.html
Why I don’t tell people I’m a sign language interpreter
Instead of telling them I’m a sign language interpreter, I like to screw with people’s heads. I love to see whether they react differently to “interpreter” as opposed to “sign language interpreter” or “interpreter for the Deaf.” When I tell people I’m an interpreter, they inevitable ask what language.
More at http://terptrans.com/2012/03/11/why-i-dont-tell-people-im-a-sign-language-interpreter/
More at http://terptrans.com/2012/03/11/why-i-dont-tell-people-im-a-sign-language-interpreter/
News: Portable sign language translator app “will allow deaf to talk to anyone”
Well. Just a week after Mark Nelson wrote about how technological advances and the rise of voice recognition could leave deaf people behind – in his ‘Peak Deaf Access’ theory, this story appears in the Metro.
Apparently, a portable sign language translator app has been invented, that will allow deaf people “to talk to everyone.”
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/12/news-portable-sign-language-translator-app-will-allow-deaf-to-talk-to-anyone/
Apparently, a portable sign language translator app has been invented, that will allow deaf people “to talk to everyone.”
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/12/news-portable-sign-language-translator-app-will-allow-deaf-to-talk-to-anyone/
Why It's So Important for Churches to Do This
I've been getting so many questions about why captioning is so important, how does it work, and why should churches caption. This post by Caption Labs answers these questions quite well.
More at http://xpressivehandz.blogspot.com/2012/03/why-its-so-important-for-churches-to-do.html
More at http://xpressivehandz.blogspot.com/2012/03/why-its-so-important-for-churches-to-do.html
Deaf man awarded for his efforts as certified umpire
Nakai Ryokichi (69) won the gratitude prize from the Wakayama Prefecture Softball Association on March 4. He was praised for his contribution in promotion of softball activities for many years.
Ryokichi, born Deaf, has been a certified referee for 33 years and supported the players with an exact judgment in a softball game.
More at http://deafjapan.blogspot.com/2012/03/deaf-man-awarded-for-his-efforts-as.html
Ryokichi, born Deaf, has been a certified referee for 33 years and supported the players with an exact judgment in a softball game.
More at http://deafjapan.blogspot.com/2012/03/deaf-man-awarded-for-his-efforts-as.html
The Signing School Bus
I was on my way to work one morning. I stopped at an intersection waiting for the light to turn green. Ahead of me, on the other side of the intersection, was a large school bus facing me. I saw the dark silhouettes of children moving around on the bus.
More at http://www.ehwhathuh.com/2012/03/signing-school-bus.html
More at http://www.ehwhathuh.com/2012/03/signing-school-bus.html
Controversy about teaching American Sign Language to Deaf children
I was a Deaf Education teacher before I became SAHM. One issue kept popping up in the Deaf community is how to educate the parents of a deaf infant. Approximately 90 percent of deaf infants have hearing parents.
More at http://lovingschultzfamily.blogspot.com/2012/02/controversy-about-teaching-american.html
More at http://lovingschultzfamily.blogspot.com/2012/02/controversy-about-teaching-american.html
CODA or half CODA?
Is there such as half CODA?? For those who do not know that acronym, it's short for Child of Deaf Adult. Since Karl and Dean are growing in a household with deaf mom and hearing dad, what do I call them?
More at http://lovingschultzfamily.blogspot.com/2012/03/coda-or-half-coda.html
More at http://lovingschultzfamily.blogspot.com/2012/03/coda-or-half-coda.html
Bullied Deaf Kids in Chicago Schools
Are Chicago's public schools incapable of protecting deaf and hard of hearing children from being bullied? Maybe, if this story about a deaf nine year old boy with a cochlear implant is any indication.
More at http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2012/03/09/2-investigators-hearing-impaired-student-bullied-at-chicago-grade-school/
More at http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2012/03/09/2-investigators-hearing-impaired-student-bullied-at-chicago-grade-school/
Wrong Game ASL movie
Today I watched Wrong Game with friends. If you like thrillers that keep you guessing through several twists and turns, then this movie is for you. But be warned, Wrong Game is SCARY.
More at http://speakuplibrarian.blogspot.com/2012/03/wrong-game-asl-movie.html
More at http://speakuplibrarian.blogspot.com/2012/03/wrong-game-asl-movie.html
The Future of Online Captioning
Shane Feldman of NAD (on the far left) People visit the South by Southwest Interactive conference for many reasons. Some want to promote the next great social media app, and some want to clue into that app before anyone else.
More at http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/InMyLingoBlog/~3/S5OVaPX4bPU/post.aspx
More at http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/InMyLingoBlog/~3/S5OVaPX4bPU/post.aspx
The Deaf Project-Flying in Virtual Silence-#2
My 7yr old son and I were dropped off at SEATAC around 10pm Tues., Feb. 28th for our flight leaving at 8am Wed. morning. We arrived early because my husband works graveyard shift at the Air Force base and he drove us.
More at http://thedeafproject.blogspot.com/2012/03/deaf-project-flying-in-virtual-silence.html
More at http://thedeafproject.blogspot.com/2012/03/deaf-project-flying-in-virtual-silence.html
Granville Redmond
Grenville and Chaplin. An deaf artist that worked with Chaplin on Silent films. Granville Redmond caught scarlet fever which eventually made him totally deaf.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/granville-redmond.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/granville-redmond.html
Saturday, March 10, 2012
The Deaf vs. deaf Debate Comes to a Head
There was an EHDI (Early Hearing Detection and Intervention) conference in our area recently. It was picketed by the Deaf community. A few days later, an oral school in the area was picketed by these same people. Today, Liam's school was picketed.
More at http://babyears.blogspot.com/2012/03/deaf-vs-deaf-debate-comes-to-head.html
More at http://babyears.blogspot.com/2012/03/deaf-vs-deaf-debate-comes-to-head.html
Miss Kat's Thoughts on AFA
AFA crossed the line, in my opinion, during their protest at EDHI last week. They picketed at the local schools. I believe this is inappropriate for many reasons. The first is that they were being aggressive. They were not expected at the schools.
More at http://misskatsmom.blogspot.com/2012/03/miss-kats-thoughts-on-afa.html
More at http://misskatsmom.blogspot.com/2012/03/miss-kats-thoughts-on-afa.html
Anytime...anywhere....not afraid to communicate.
On an airplane flight in one of his many business flights and being the only deaf person on board surrounded with hearing travelers certainly was not an excuse for him to keep quiet. Wherever he goes whether at a bar, a convention, or on an airplane there's never a lost opportunity to whip up a discussion with a hearing person anytime, anywhere...no problem.
More at http://kokonutpundits.blogspot.com/2012/03/anytimeanywherenot-afraid-to.html
More at http://kokonutpundits.blogspot.com/2012/03/anytimeanywherenot-afraid-to.html
Discovery of Hair-Cell Roots Suggests the Brain Modulates Sound Sensitivity
The hair cells of the inner ear have a previously unknown "root" extension that may allow them to communicate with nerve cells and the brain to regulate sensitivity to sound vibrations and head position, researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine have discovered.
More at http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/03/120308174651.htm
More at http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/03/120308174651.htm
Myth: Sign language will delay spoken language
Because sign encourages early communication, increases vocabulary, reduces frustration, and expands expressive language, most speech experts are in favor of introducing sign to babies.
More at http://www.signingtime.com/blog/2012/03/baby-signing-myth-1-signing-delays-speech-busted/
More at http://www.signingtime.com/blog/2012/03/baby-signing-myth-1-signing-delays-speech-busted/
It’s What Women Do…
March is Women’s History Month, and March 8th is celebrated as International Women’s Day all around the world – a day when we should honor the women in our lives, and the women who have made contributions to our society.
More at http://deafpagancrossroads.com/2012/03/08/its-what-women-do/
More at http://deafpagancrossroads.com/2012/03/08/its-what-women-do/
My trip to London – and Stagetext!
In February amidst the rain and dull weather – I received a lovely surprise from a friend, Nicky who invited me to go to see War Horse at a London Theatre with her.
More at http://livingwithaneureleccochlearimplant.blogspot.com/2012/03/my-trip-to-london-and-stagetext.html
More at http://livingwithaneureleccochlearimplant.blogspot.com/2012/03/my-trip-to-london-and-stagetext.html
Wanted: Peace and Quiet
Did you know that we are by far the loudest house in all of our neighborhood between 6:30 and 7:30pm each and every day? It’s when my kids are in the bath.
More at http://livelaughlovefamily.blogspot.com/2012/03/wanted-peace-and-quiet.html
More at http://livelaughlovefamily.blogspot.com/2012/03/wanted-peace-and-quiet.html
SXSW: The Future of Online Video Captioning
The Future of online Captioning ? “….the government will soon require that online captions be available for broadcast material streamed online, and it mandates that those captions be equal in quality to TV captions.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/sxsw-future-of-online-video-captioning.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/sxsw-future-of-online-video-captioning.html
Dangerous new teen trend on hearing loss vs technology
We’ve known for decades that loud music causes permanent, irreversible sensorineural hearing loss, and since time immemorial teens have always had a sense of invincibility.
More at http://thehearingblog.com/archives/566#.T1uKCx28yfg
More at http://thehearingblog.com/archives/566#.T1uKCx28yfg
Friday, March 09, 2012
In Songbird Model, Deafening Found To Affect Vocal Nerve Cells Within Hours
Portions of a songbird's brain that control how it sings have been shown to decay within 24 hours of the animal losing its hearing. The findings, by researchers at Duke University Medical Center, show that deafness penetrates much more rapidly and deeply into the brain than previously thought.
More at http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/242625.php
More at http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/242625.php
Hip-hop is really popular in the Deaf community because it’s so grounded in lyrics and is really bass-heavy. It’s easy to feel the beat, and the lyrics are powerful.
More at http://www.thedailyswarm.com/headlines/how-would-rap-show-deaf-work/
More at http://www.thedailyswarm.com/headlines/how-would-rap-show-deaf-work/
Why would Deaf people think interpreting is easy?
I pose the question respectfully. I understand that not all Deaf people think interpreting is easy, but I know several Deaf people who never realized how hard interpreting was until they tried to do it themselves.
More at http://terptrans.com/2012/03/06/why-would-deaf-people-think-interpreting-is-easy/
More at http://terptrans.com/2012/03/06/why-would-deaf-people-think-interpreting-is-easy/
Earmeter.com: Patient engagement for audiology practices
Earmeter is web-based software that allows audiology practices and their patients to work more closely during and after hearing aid trials.
Practices can automate communications with patients so that they can provide timely and in-depth information about the new hearing aid(s) on trial, hearing loss and anything else that a patient needs to know to get the most from their trial and new hearing experience.
More at http://www.hearingaidknow.com/2012/03/07/audiology-patient-engagement
Practices can automate communications with patients so that they can provide timely and in-depth information about the new hearing aid(s) on trial, hearing loss and anything else that a patient needs to know to get the most from their trial and new hearing experience.
More at http://www.hearingaidknow.com/2012/03/07/audiology-patient-engagement
Forgetting I'm deaf
Today is Thankful Friday and the only blog of the week. It's a disgrace, isn't it? I think one of the reasons for my complete writer's block of late is that I simply can't bring myself to write about one of the main things consuming my thoughts right now – my neighbour.
More at http://www.deafinitelygirly.com/2012/03/forgetting-im-deaf.html
More at http://www.deafinitelygirly.com/2012/03/forgetting-im-deaf.html
Decisions made easily
The Ashrafinia family has been devastated by the end of the Video
We went to Birmingham today. We originally were only going to meet with our accountant to see how much more we owed Uncle Sam, but we called an audible and added a trip to the Oral School at the last minute.
More at http://theaccountofourarrows.com/2012/03/08/decisions-made-easily/
We went to Birmingham today. We originally were only going to meet with our accountant to see how much more we owed Uncle Sam, but we called an audible and added a trip to the Oral School at the last minute.
More at http://theaccountofourarrows.com/2012/03/08/decisions-made-easily/
by Headmistress: "A Language for Thinking"
I've posted and discussed the value of teaching children Sign Language, whether they hear or not, for many years. I've also read many research articles and books on the topic, however, I've never read anything quite like this.
More at http://xpressivehandz.blogspot.com/2012/03/by-headmistress-language-for-thinking.html
More at http://xpressivehandz.blogspot.com/2012/03/by-headmistress-language-for-thinking.html
End of Canadian VRS ?
The Ashrafinia family has been devastated by the end of the Video Relay Service, a pilot program which allows deaf people to make video calls with a translator. (CTV)
B.C.'s deaf community is rallying against the cancellation of a high-tech pilot program that gives them the ability to make video calls with a live translator.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/end-of-canadian-vrs.html
B.C.'s deaf community is rallying against the cancellation of a high-tech pilot program that gives them the ability to make video calls with a live translator.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/end-of-canadian-vrs.html
Ian Noon: Why I spent my Sunday telling parents of deaf children all about my love life
It was the question I had been dreading:
“Perhaps our visitors could tell us a bit about their experiences with girlfriends when they were younger?”
I was at a National Deaf Children’s Society Family Weekend to give a short talk about my own personal experiences growing up deaf.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/09/ian-noon-why-i-spent-my-sunday-telling-parents-of-deaf-children-all-about-my-love-life/
“Perhaps our visitors could tell us a bit about their experiences with girlfriends when they were younger?”
I was at a National Deaf Children’s Society Family Weekend to give a short talk about my own personal experiences growing up deaf.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/09/ian-noon-why-i-spent-my-sunday-telling-parents-of-deaf-children-all-about-my-love-life/
Full of Curiosity
Both Dr. J and his resident described X’s surgery as “interesting”, which is code for “be thankful you’re in a world-class hospital with surgeons who have gobs of experience.”
More at http://theenergyofx.wordpress.com/2012/03/09/full-of-curiosity/
More at http://theenergyofx.wordpress.com/2012/03/09/full-of-curiosity/
AFA Strengthens EHDI
After watching some of the recent videos released by AFA (Aufism Free America) seen here, it was not difficult to see how they actually helped EHDI (Early Hearing Detection and Intervention) organization. The aggressive behaviors demonstrated in these videos will only drive parents of deaf children further away from the signing community.
More at http://theholism.blogspot.com/2012/03/afa-strengthens-ehdi.html
More at http://theholism.blogspot.com/2012/03/afa-strengthens-ehdi.html
Date night, a concert and ears to hear…
For this Family Friday I had to share this photo with you and the story that goes with it. This week, John had his second concert of the year. Since he is the director of the concert band at Cal Poly Pomona, he has three concerts a year, and it’s not always easy for us to attend!
More at http://www.ourinspiredjourney.com/2012/03/date-night-concert-and-ears-to-hear.html
More at http://www.ourinspiredjourney.com/2012/03/date-night-concert-and-ears-to-hear.html
AFA = American Failures Association
It was brought to my attention that 'Aufism Free America' was in fact a hideous mask, to supposedly mean 'American Failures Association.
More at http://theholism.blogspot.com/2012/03/afa-american-failures-association_09.html
More at http://theholism.blogspot.com/2012/03/afa-american-failures-association_09.html
Thursday, March 08, 2012
National Association of the Deaf shrieking at last!
Yes NAD want us to be leaving comments at the FCC's website again. They're using other people to use fear tactics to scare deaf people to scream "Don't Kill VRS", blah blah, blah.
The big hoot coming out of the new proposed FCC rules is the conversion from per-minute to per-user reimbursement system. NAD hates it. I love it!
I support the per-user system as it will enable the VRS providers to get very creative at getting and retaining VRS users. Thats the fun part. This reminds me of an old BBS game. I won't name the game because I want to see it happen to the VRS industry. There will be winners and there will be "others".
The upshot is the NECA funds will be stronger and the VRS industry will remain available as a reliable communications service system for the deaf society.
Richard Roehm
The big hoot coming out of the new proposed FCC rules is the conversion from per-minute to per-user reimbursement system. NAD hates it. I love it!
I support the per-user system as it will enable the VRS providers to get very creative at getting and retaining VRS users. Thats the fun part. This reminds me of an old BBS game. I won't name the game because I want to see it happen to the VRS industry. There will be winners and there will be "others".
The upshot is the NECA funds will be stronger and the VRS industry will remain available as a reliable communications service system for the deaf society.
Richard Roehm
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Bridget Bonheyo Runs But Not Fast Enough
Too bad this athlete couldn’t run fast from the law.

More at http://eyefirevlogs.com/eyefire2/?p=24317

More at http://eyefirevlogs.com/eyefire2/?p=24317
Public’s denial driving frustrations of the deaf
Niki Kelly’s article “Deep division on deafness” (Feb. 27) brings up a question regarding House Bill 1367: At what point, exactly, does “distrust” run deep on “both sides?”
While more than 90 percent of deaf children are born to hearing parents, deafness itself is not widespread, which is why many hearing people have never even met a deaf person before.
More at http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20120305/EDIT05/303059995/-1/EDIT01
While more than 90 percent of deaf children are born to hearing parents, deafness itself is not widespread, which is why many hearing people have never even met a deaf person before.
More at http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20120305/EDIT05/303059995/-1/EDIT01
Bionic boy saved from a life of sign language reliance...
THE boy with a bionic ear arrived home to a hero's welcome yesterday. Calum Geary (3) has astonished doctors with his speedy recovery from an operation to implant a special 'microchip' device in his head, aimed at transferring sound messages from his ears to his brain.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/bionic-boy-saved-from-life-reliance-on.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/bionic-boy-saved-from-life-reliance-on.html
Why would Deaf people think interpreting is easy?
I pose the question respectfully. I understand that not all Deaf people think interpreting is easy, but I know several Deaf people who never realized how hard interpreting was until they tried to do it themselves.
More at http://danielgreene.com/2012/03/06/why-would-deaf-people-think-interpreting-is-easy/
More at http://danielgreene.com/2012/03/06/why-would-deaf-people-think-interpreting-is-easy/
Turning A Blind Eye on Karl White's Letter
Call it stinky politics. I have here with me a piece of hard evidences (a smoking gun in fact!) showing that some of you knew of this nice letter prepared by Karl White in advance of the EHDI conference in St. Louis. This letter was circulated in a closed "Deaf Community Action" group on Facebook, which some of you (big "D" radical militants) belong to.
More at http://theholism.blogspot.com/2012/03/turning-blind-eye-on-ehdi-karl-white_223.html
More at http://theholism.blogspot.com/2012/03/turning-blind-eye-on-ehdi-karl-white_223.html
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Stupid Deaf Vlogs Facebook Group Set To Hold Live Video Conference
Possible discussion issues, boycotting DVTV.
More at http://1499526.videoconference.talkfusionlive.com/golive/m/cPfb
Possible discussion issues, boycotting DVTV.
More at http://1499526.videoconference.talkfusionlive.com/golive/m/cPfb
Latest from my garden
Here is latest from my garden, which were taken end of February, and as I write this which I went out to my garden before posting this, the display of my spring flowers has just got better. So I must do another update later sometime.
More at http://lizsdeafblog.blogspot.com/2012/03/latest-from-my-garden.html
More at http://lizsdeafblog.blogspot.com/2012/03/latest-from-my-garden.html
#CITalk on Twitter this Sunday, March 18th!
Cochlear Implant Online is taking a leap and being ahead of the technological curve by being the first to start a weekly chat on Twitter for the hearing loss community.
WHAT: Cochlear Implant Talk (#CITalk) – Twitter chat with a new topic each week
WHEN: Sundays, 3 PM EST/ 8 PM London / Mondays , 7 AM Sydney
More at http://cochlearimplantonline.com/site/citalk-on-twitter-this-sunday-march-18th/
WHAT: Cochlear Implant Talk (#CITalk) – Twitter chat with a new topic each week
WHEN: Sundays, 3 PM EST/ 8 PM London / Mondays , 7 AM Sydney
More at http://cochlearimplantonline.com/site/citalk-on-twitter-this-sunday-march-18th/
Editorial #105: "Enough is Enough" -- Respect the Privacy and Dignity of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Consumers
Dr. Z is deaf…in addition to being associated with ZVRS, he is also a consumer of VRS.
He has been traveling all over the country and has been hearing some unpleasant stories from consumers that a certain provider has been harassing consumers from other VRS providers asking them to port, giving them free equipment and accessories to lure them over.
More at http://www.drzvrs.com/2012/03/enough-is-enough-respect-the-privacy-and-dignity-of-deaf-and-hard-of-hearing-consumers/
He has been traveling all over the country and has been hearing some unpleasant stories from consumers that a certain provider has been harassing consumers from other VRS providers asking them to port, giving them free equipment and accessories to lure them over.
More at http://www.drzvrs.com/2012/03/enough-is-enough-respect-the-privacy-and-dignity-of-deaf-and-hard-of-hearing-consumers/
For we are The Lucky Country!!
I’m lucky! I have a great family, great friends, great employer and an intelligent loving wife. By all means I have nothing to complain about. I can get out of bed there is food on my table, fresh country air, my three lads are chatting away, the dogs are joyous to see me and, in fact, the world is my oyster.
More at http://the-rebuttal.com/?p=1712
More at http://the-rebuttal.com/?p=1712
The end of Blazing Saddles is Germany's new film?
G'day Everyone.
Good Gravies? Has Germany gone Mel Brooks madness lately? Especially in the film industry?
Here's the link: IRON SKY (a CNN article).
More at http://thedeafsherlock.blogspot.com/2012/03/end-of-blazing-saddles-is-germanys-new.html
Good Gravies? Has Germany gone Mel Brooks madness lately? Especially in the film industry?
Here's the link: IRON SKY (a CNN article).
More at http://thedeafsherlock.blogspot.com/2012/03/end-of-blazing-saddles-is-germanys-new.html
Zoltan is still around
I haven't been in my blog for years. I am so busy with my job. My mind got bogged down with zillion things of daily life. It is like being hibernated for a while, living on another planet. Now, I feel like I have come back to be alive again.
More at http://testing-the-truth.xanga.com/759533218/zoltan-is-still-around/
More at http://testing-the-truth.xanga.com/759533218/zoltan-is-still-around/
Switched at Birth - lazy signing?
I watched the premiere of Switched at Birth last night, and although people on the show are improving on their signing skill, it seems like even the Deaf characters are using some lazy signing (but mostly the Hearing characters).
More at http://growingsilence.blogspot.com/2012/01/switched-at-birth-lazy-signing.html
More at http://growingsilence.blogspot.com/2012/01/switched-at-birth-lazy-signing.html
mental hospital..
This blog follows my journey of 2 different cochlear implants and my condition: Multiple mitochondrial DNA deletionsI have started this blog 15 yrs too late but ill try my best to fit it all in! I have packed a lot of medical jargon into my life since I was 8.
More at http://lozsmedicaljourney.blogspot.com/2012/03/mental-hospital.html
More at http://lozsmedicaljourney.blogspot.com/2012/03/mental-hospital.html
Deaf outrage with bizarre subtitles on Dancing On Ice'
It's Sunday night, you're settling down to watch Dancing On Ice and hopefully see some witty banter from the judges. So what does one judge have to say about the skaters? 'Across the ice and the Samaritans and speedo you.' Or how about, 'Right is affecting their partnership.
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/deaf-outrage-with-bizarre-subtitles-on.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/deaf-outrage-with-bizarre-subtitles-on.html
Kurt Ramborger: Eater’s Hottest Chef in America 2012
Congratulations, Kurt. The Deaf Community have been using the social media to get the votes in. Their efforts paid off. Ramborger goes by the nickname “The Irish Chef — he is a fiery redhead, indeed — and he ran a very impressive social media campaign to win the title.
More at http://www.mishkazena.com/2012/03/06/kurt-ramborger-eaters-hottest-chef-in-america-2012/
More at http://www.mishkazena.com/2012/03/06/kurt-ramborger-eaters-hottest-chef-in-america-2012/
News: Deaf filmmaker looks for inspirational deafies for short film
The day is set up to inspire deaf kids to aim to achieve more. He was asked to make a short film about himself, but has decided to make a short film that will show the kids about deaf people out there, and he’s looking for deaf people in and around London to be part of it.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/07/news-deaf-filmmaker-looks-for-inspirational-young-deafies-for-short-film/
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/07/news-deaf-filmmaker-looks-for-inspirational-young-deafies-for-short-film/
Students Fund-raise for a CI.
CREATIVE students with a passion for fashion are supporting a fundraising drive to help a deaf boy from Middlesbrough hear properly for the first time.Camille Thomas, 27, Faye Clements, 28, and Sumreen Hussain, 20, are fashion students at Cleveland College of Art and Design (CCAD).
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/students-fund-raise-for-ci.html
More at http://attherimmm.blogspot.com/2012/03/students-fund-raise-for-ci.html
Naturally so...
A certain person who used to be a moderator in one forum recently claimed that I made a slanderous remark against a new forum in a recent blog I did. A claim that is certainly unfounded.
More at http://kokonutpundits.blogspot.com/2012/03/naturally-so.html
More at http://kokonutpundits.blogspot.com/2012/03/naturally-so.html
Spreading awareness on deafness in 8 year olds
Today was a big day when I was going to talk about deafness to Prisha's class. Did not have too many expectations just that they sit through without getting bored. The session went really well and I had them listen to our story, know what it is to be deaf and also our daily struggles.
More at http://impemp.blogspot.com/2012/03/very-captive-audience.htm
More at http://impemp.blogspot.com/2012/03/very-captive-audience.htm
How do people identify themselves?
The community of the deaf and hard of hearing is diverse. People with different degrees of hearing loss will perceive themselves based on their social values and cultural values: for example, in the 1988 book Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture, authors Carol Padden and Tom Humphries
Read more http://www.outerchat.com/?p=430
Read more http://www.outerchat.com/?p=430
Less Repeating Needed
I had not realized how much I rely on my cochlear implant until I went to get a haircut. I explained to the barber that I am deaf and then answered a few of his questions. I then took off my CI and hearing aid. He said something.
More at http://smy2ci.blogspot.com/2012/03/less-repeating-needed.html
More at http://smy2ci.blogspot.com/2012/03/less-repeating-needed.html
The Sounds That I Hear
After two weeks of acoustic bombardment, I think it’s safe to say that my brain has almost adjusted to being back into the hearing world again.
I’ve developed a method of going out daily to cafes, restaurants and public places in order to hear whatever is out there.
More at http://www.bilaterallynumb.com/the-sounds-that-i-hear/
I’ve developed a method of going out daily to cafes, restaurants and public places in order to hear whatever is out there.
More at http://www.bilaterallynumb.com/the-sounds-that-i-hear/
Raising Awareness of the Link Between Kidney Disease and Hearing Loss
March is National Kidney Month, and the Better Hearing Institute has decided to use this month to raise awareness of the link between kidney disease and hearing loss.
More at http://hearingsparks.blogspot.com/2012/03/raising-awareness-of-link-between.html
More at http://hearingsparks.blogspot.com/2012/03/raising-awareness-of-link-between.html
Paul's Commentary: Karl White, the Deaf Oppressor
This vlog is an expression of my own and my experience witnessing the events that happened yesterday at EHDI conference in St. Louis, Missouri at Marriott Union Station. There were intense moments when Karl White stonewalled us.
More at http://deafadvocate.blogspot.com/2012/03/pauls-commentary-karl-white-deaf.html
More at http://deafadvocate.blogspot.com/2012/03/pauls-commentary-karl-white-deaf.html
AFA/Deaf Rally at St. Louis in News.
Patti Durr, from Rochester, NY, (left) and Ruthie Jordan, from Denver, Colorado, were the sign language spokespeople for a group of deaf activists in downtown St. Louis Sunday The march covered only eight blocks, but it was meant to carry a strong message that deafness is a cultural identity, not a disability.
More at http://www.mishkazena.com/2012/03/05/afadeaf-rally-at-st-louis-in-news/
More at http://www.mishkazena.com/2012/03/05/afadeaf-rally-at-st-louis-in-news/
EHDI Karl White's Position
So... what is Karl White's (Director of EHDI) position on the matter? According to this local St. Louis article seen here at StLToday.com Karl White made his position clear on where he stood. Read below.
More at http://theholism.blogspot.com/2012/03/ehdi-karl-whites-position.html
More at http://theholism.blogspot.com/2012/03/ehdi-karl-whites-position.html
News: Theatre company calls deaf patron a “deaf bugger”
Joseph Fagan, 60, is a partially deaf theatre fan who uses hearing aids and lipreading to communicate. He has been attending captioned performances (where text is displayed during performances on a screen) for twelve years.
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/06/news-theatre-company-calls-deaf-patron-a-deaf-bugger/
More at http://limpingchicken.com/2012/03/06/news-theatre-company-calls-deaf-patron-a-deaf-bugger/
Paul's Commentary: KW created a climate of fear at EHDI!!
KW created a climate of fear at EHDI!He did not respect our freedom of speech and not even respecting the truth about our American Sign Language and Deaf Culture.We are collecting stories of deaf people complaining about the treatment and profiling of them being at EHDI Conference.....what a disrespect!!!!
More at http://deafadvocate.blogspot.com/2012/03/pauls-commentary-kw-created-climate-of.html
More at http://deafadvocate.blogspot.com/2012/03/pauls-commentary-kw-created-climate-of.html