Hearing Impaired Adaptive Technology Expo
February 14, 2009 / Orange County, California
Come one, Come all to our first annual Hearing Impaired Adaptive Technology Expo and learn of adaptive technology that makes enjoying life better for the hearing impaired.
See, touch, feel, and try some of the dozens of different adaptive technology for the hearing impaired at this small yet highly resourceful expo.
Date : Saturday, February 14, 2009
Time : 10 am - 4 pm
Location : The clubhouse at the
Park Royale Mobile Home Park
300 N Rampart St
Orange, CA 92868

Clubhouse is right at the entrance to the mobile home park. See photo below. Cozy building. Refreshments available.

Sponsored by the Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center
Free booths to adaptive technology vendors and related organizations!
For more in formation, email [email protected]
Keep an eye on our ( www.deafadvocacy.org ) website for more information.