Friday, August 09, 2013

The Richard Roehm Memorial Ranch

A self sustainable residential and training center for those with auditory and visual sensory disabilities run by the Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center.

Named after our late founder Richard P. Roehm, the Richard Roehm Memorial Ranch will provide the next level of services neccessary in the sensory impaired community (including those with auditory and visual impairments, as well as sensory processing disorder often found in thise with autism).

Too often, people with sensory disabilities are turned away from programs that might help them, or worse, there are no programs that can meet their needs. There is a true need for programs and services aimed at the sensory impaired population.

This project involves a $5 million capital campaign, to purchase a ranch and / or farm land in Orange County, to provide temporary / long term housing and extensive rehabilitation training to clients in a therapeutic environment.

If you are interested in learning more about the Richard Roehm Memorial Ranch or contributing to the Memorial Fund, please contact us!

Thank you,
Beth Koenig
Executive Director
Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center
(714) 699-3323 (voice / text)
[email protected]

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