Friday, February 09, 2007

OCDAC Newsletter February 7, 2007

Dear Friends,

Recent news suggests that Jane Fernandes is already reaping the golden field of martyrdom. Deaf or hard of hearing people who get crucified by deaf culture are instant martyrs and they end up in stronger and higher places in society. Other deaf martyrs are surfacing and making news as well. All deaf martyrs need to know they can come out of hiding now and be open about their experiences with the wrath of deaf culture, the ball is in their court now, the playing field is theirs now, the society is theirs to use now! COME OUT NOW!

We have been given a small box trailer to expand our advocacy, education, and fundraising programs. This will make us capable of doing many more booths and be able to do booths in a very short notice. See the work on the trailer and give us a hand. This will also means less problems with Uhaul that we've been having in the past 2 years.

We are getting ourselves ready for the big education campaign of 2007 with the kickoff at the Orange County Mixer in March. We will need a lot of help in printing flyers and binding booklets.

To read the rest of the newsletter CLICK HERE

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