Wednesday, August 24, 2005

OCDAC Newsletter August 24, 2005

Dear Friends,

Great news! The positive results of our giant education project at the
Orange County Fair continue to roll in. We got an invite to the
Harvest Festival in La Palma in October which calls for an education
booth. And we got an invite to the California Strawberry Festival
next May in Oxnard which calls for a food stand booth. We also have
been invited to do a presentation at the Lion's Club and invited to
teach sign language to Boy Scouts at the upcoming Camporee event in
Los Alamitos next spring. We are very pleased with the positive
results from our 3 week education campaign at the county fair. And we
will be getting many more invites and opportunities to further our
educational goals in the next few weeks.

We are like 80% ready for the Children's Festival that starts next
weekend. It is a month long educational event at the South Coast
Plaza in Costa Mesa. We have been able to accumulate a lot of
valuable resources to distribute to the children and parents. Next
weekend Friday-Sunday, and Saturdays-Sundays for the rest of the month
of September. 2 million people attended this event last year. This
education project will be another big winner for deaf awareness education.

Our sign language classes are rolling but not as good as we hoped for.
We are working on developing this education program so we can get the
best public response to it.

OCDAC Communications

-------------< INSIDE NEWS >

We still need a volunteer coordinator who will help us keep in touch
with volunteers and to contact them and make sure they are given the
opportunities to participate in our activities. Our volunteer list has
grown dramatically during the fair. We really need help managing them.

We need to start a committee for our Tiller Days Festival, our 2nd
largest fundraising event of the year. Tiller Days is in October and
in Tustin, California. Also we have decided to eliminate our Rose
parade fundraiser and replace it with a bigger times square like event
at the Orange County Fairgrounds. We also need committees for the
Pirate's festival, Silverado Festival, and Winter Festval fundraisers
as well. Were going to be starting our nightly fundraising activities
at the bowling centers soon to help us raise funds for the expenses of
the bigger fundraising operations. We have some new products that hold
good promise in our fundraising.

We also started on our Deaf festival awareness booth planning that's
taking place in Van Nuys this coming September.

We have also started on our Deaf Expo ( planning for the event
in November in Long Beach. It might be a hybrid fundraising and
educational booth.

-------------< OUTSIDE NEWS >

Georgia Sschool for Deaf is seeing fewer, fewer students

Delray non-profit clinic caters to hearing-impaired and deaf\

Park's visitor center entrance with ramp for disabled now open\

School for deaf trying to revive program

Jalandhar win in deaf football

Muthukad's magic to raise funds for Deaf School\

State may slash home care

-------------< DEAF GRAPEVINE >

The California Disability Gaming Initiative - A Path to Dignity and
Self Reliance

By Richard Roehm

Thousands of Californians with Disabilities still live in poverty.
The California Disability Gaming Initiative is a good bet to provide
hope and opportunities for all people with disabilities.

The California Disability Gaming Initiative is to help the California
deaf and disability organizations establish gaming revenues by owning
and operating casinos in the rural areas of California. The gaming
revenues will translate to improved service offerings by participating
deaf and disability organizations and brighten the outlook on the
future of the disability communities.

We've already had our 15 year gamble with the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the payout for ADA litigation has
been less than 5% which is far less than the payout of most slot
machines at casinos. Barriers still remain in our ways to full
participation in societal offerings. Barriers compounded by federal
policy changes do very little to help our quest or journey toward
independence. This includes cutting funding for domestic programs.
Even now Vocational Rehabilitation is set to have it's budget slashed.
Furthermore, due to lack of funding, the Ticket to Work Initiative
has been declared a joke by many disability organizations throughout
the United States. The result we have seen so far has been nothing
more than a continuous cycle of dependency on the taxpayer supported
welfare systems.

How do we break the cycle of dependency? One proven solution is the
California Disability Gaming Initiative. We need to explore the
California Disability Gaming Initiative which is a good path toward
establishing our dignity and self reliance. This type of initiative
has been proven to work very well with the Native American tribes, it
will work with the disability communities once we make the effort to
make it happen. This type of initiative is a 'best practices' type of
solution we need to seriously explore.

Once fully implemented, the California Disability Gaming Initiative
would utilize the resources of participating deaf and disability
organizations to;

--Improve residential and health care opportunities for people with
disabilities. We will have the means to establish our own residential
health care systems that doesn't sound like a Laguna Honda nightmare.

--Offer new accessible housing to replace the aging, insensitive, and
sub-standard housing already available to the deaf and disability

--Work toward reducing and eliminating SSI, SSDI, and other welfare
payments to people with disabilities.

--Offer pre-school and after-school daycare for children of working
adults with disabilities.

--Award scholarships to people with disabilities going to college.

--Create jobs and job training to break the cycle of welfare in the
deaf and disability communities.

--Establish mental health and counseling facilities to provide
specialized alcohol and drug addiction services to the deaf and
disability communities.

--Enable economic diversification through investments in non-gaming
businesses like hotels, office buildings, banking, social services,
store and restaurant franchising, and others among many opportunities
already available to the non-disabled communities.

The impact of California Disability Gaming Initiative would be
thunderous. We would be able to become self reliant and help end the
cycle of welfare. We would get hundreds of thousands of people with
disabilities off welfare payments especially SSI and SSDI and that
itself would result in taxpayer savings by the billions of dollars

And the California Disability Gaming Initiative would also enable
Californians with disabilities access barrier free gaming
establishments. Most California gaming establishments remain
inaccessible to people with disabilities. Some gaming establishments
are on mountainous areas making it unsafe for wheelchair users, many
permit smoking inside the casinos, many have employees that are very
insensitive to people with disabilities.

We've gambled 15 years of our lives with the ADA and over the years it
has been watered down to an ineffective tool to help the deaf and
disability communities become fully integrated into our society.

It's my belief that the California Disability Gaming Initiative would
change everything in the deaf and disability communities for the
better and is worth a good look.

More information on the California Disability Gaming Initiative will
be available at in the near future.

-------------< BULLETIN >

This week, we will be helping a deaf client pursue a possible class
action case against the City of San Diego, their police department,
and the San Diego courts for permitting an orchestration of
communication barriers that prevented the client from having any say
in the police situation and preventing the client from having it's day
in court. This will be one of our key cases. Title II of the Americans
with Disabilities Act didn't seem to exist through the eyes of the
City of San Diego, their police department, and the courts down there.
We intend to use litigation to make Title II very visible to them.

-------------< ADVOCACY NEWS >

A Practical Approach to Providing Quality Care to Women with Disabilities

Harvard Medical School's Center of Excellence in Women's Health is
pleased to present "Women with Disabilities Symposium: A Practical
Approach to Providing Quality Care to Women with Visual, Hearing, and
Mobility Impairments."

This one-day conference will be held on Saturday, September 17, 2005,
from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Harvard Medical School. The event is
co-sponsored by the Center for Women with Disabilities at Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center. The registration fee is only $75.

The conference will provide clinicians and practice managers with the
practical knowledge and skills that will enable them to care more
sensitively and effectively for women with disabilities.

Topics will include:

--Overcoming negative attitudes and misconceptions;

--Developing participatory patient-clinician relationships based
on the unique needs of each patient;

--Caring for the younger woman;

--Learning how to make the simple equipment and physical
examination modifications that permit comprehensive assessment;

--A review of appropriate screening and prevention recommendations,

--How to perform an accurate functional assessment, and

--How to manage secondary medical complications that occur
frequently in women with disabilities.

Who Should Attend?

The conference is intended for a national audience of diverse
clinicians including :

--Physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners,
registered nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and
mental health clinicians.

--Students from fields such as primary care, medicine, ob/gyn,
physical and rehabilitation medicine, social work, nursing,
occupational therapy, and physical therapy who provide care for women
with disabilities.

--Practice managers and other clinical administrators who manage
the delivery of direct health care services for women with disabilities.

In order to make the symposium as meaningful and interactive as
possible, enrollment will be limited to 125 participants.

To learn more about the conference and register, visit

For more information, please contact Lindsay Giorgi, Program
Coordinator for HMS's Center of Excellence in Women's Health. She can
be reached at [email protected] or (617) 732-5502.

CME and CEU credits are available.

A Note on Credits

CME credits are offered through Harvard Medical School, which is
accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical
Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Harvard Medical School designates this educational activity for a
maximum of 6.5 category 1 credits towards the AMA Physician's
Recognition Award. Each physician should claim only those credits that
he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

CEU credits are offered through Professional Nursing at Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center. The conference has been approved for 6.9
contact hours (CEU). The Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is an
approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Massachusetts
Association of Registered Nurses, Inc., and accredited approver by the
American Nurse Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

An application for Social Work CE credits has been submitted to the
Massachusetts Chapter of the NASW. Credits will be posted Online as
soon as we receive approval.

-------------< ANNOUNCEMENTS >

COME TO OUR MEETUPS! The Orange County American Sign Language Meetup
Group - - meets each 3rd Wednesdays of the
month. The Orange County Deaf & Hearing Impaired Meetup Group - - meets each 1st Saturdays of the month.

Our new ASL class start in the third week of August and the slots are
really being filled now as there is a limit of 8 students per class
for better quality of education and sign language training.

Please visit our iGive store

Please visit our bookstore that has related books and different kinds
of assistive living devices at

If you shop at Albertsons and have a community partners card, please
consider adding your card to our list of supporters. You can now
download and print our Albertsons Community Partners signup forms at
Http:// and have your
friends, neighbors, associates, and relatives sign up as supporters
and then mail it to the address on the form. Our goal is 25,000
supporters who shop at Albertsons. And when you shop at Albertsons,
please dont forget to use the community partners card.

We recycle used cell phones, empty printer and toner cartridges. If
you have any of these to unload from your hands, please send or drop
them at our agency at 2960 Main Street, A100, Irvine, California 92614

-------------< DEAF QUOTES >

"Wherever we perform, people always want to know more about being deaf
and what it means to be a performer. They are interested in how it is
used in our performances." Dale Holmes

-------------< COMMUNITY BULLHORN >

Critical housing resources for low-income people are again at risk as
Congress works to cut spending. Protections against discrimination
based on disability are also threatened. Lawmakers need your support
to resist the Bush Administration's efforts to cut funding and roll
back legal protections in current housing programs.

As you know, people with mental disabilities have the least income and
the most difficult housing problems. That is why it has been critical
to join with your community's affordable housing advocates to deliver
the following messages:

-Fully fund all the housing and community development programs of the
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

-Direct HUD to issue fair market rents that accurately reflect the
cost of rental housing in the community and that restore funding to
the rental voucher programs, which disappeared because of earlier,
inaccurate fair market rent calculations.

-Establish a national Affordable Housing Fund, as many cities have
done-funding programs that have been essential to the construction of
affordable rental housing;

-Fully fund HUD's Fair Housing programs to restore lost resources and
increase the level of enforcement against discriminatory barriers to

At the same time that HUD is proposing to slash its Fair Housing
budget and eliminate its Fair Housing First Program, a HUD-funded
study published July 25th shows that people with mental and physical
disabilities were subjected to more incidents of housing
discrimination than families with children, people of color and all of
the other groups protected by fair housing laws. Discrimination
Against Persons With Disabilities - Barriers at Every Step is
available from HUD by calling 1-800-HUD-USER, or by download from The Urban Institute prepared testing guidance
for HUD, available at the same phone number and website. With the
Guidance for Practitioners, it is possible to conduct tests of local
housing and to pursue findings of discrimination with education and
enforcement actions.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is the only federal civil rights
law that requires agencies that either give or get federal funds to
assess whether their programs, activities and policies pose barriers
to participation by people with disabilities. On July 22, HUD
published a Federal Register notice requesting public comments on its
own self-evaluation.

HUD may be only the second federal agency to conduct such a
self-evaluation. (The Department of Justice was the first). HUD's
evaluation identified structural and communication barriers in its
headquarters and field offices. Unfortunately, HUD did not review its
publications, regulations, policies or procedures to determine how
they might be impeding enforcement of Section 504. The Bazelon Center
worked with the Consortium of Citizens with Disabilities and the
National Network of Disability Rights to submit comments to HUD. Our
first comment was to ask for a longer comment period, which HUD
approved. The comment period is now open and may remain so, since HUD
has not published a second notice with new closing date.

You may read our comments along with others submitted to HUD at\

The HUD docket is open to comments about difficulties anyone has
experienced in working with HUD because of physical or mental
disabilities. The more examples HUD receives, the clearer the message
will be that it must conduct its business in a non-discriminatory way,
and that any barriers to non-discrimination must be identified and

The Bazelon Center


2 deaf or hard of hearing mortgage consultants needed for a
Riverside, California mortgage company.

All candidates interested in any of the job opportunities are
required to apply for our job placement services. Our intake form is
at Http://


Become an owner of a _________.WS website for only $10 a month! All
_________.WS owners automatically become .WS website resellers and it
comes with an automatic selling program and all you have to do is lead
people to your .WS reseller website. The WS stands for 'website'! Link
has video of the program in American Sign Language and is a excellent
self-sufficiency opportunity for people who want to be on the top of
the .WS cyber real estate market. Hearing people can participate as
the reseller link also has a video for them. Begin your journey toward
self-sufficiency by sending a blank email to [email protected] and it
will auto-reply back to you with information about this fantastic
program. And you will get another email message a few days later with
the full explanation of the program.

-------------< LETTERS >

Hello to everyone!

This is Ma. Luz Sarah L. Chen. My nickname is Sarah. I am Deaf
Catechist for 12 years from Philippines. I also volunteer to help in
Diocese of Imus and Diocese of Lucena. May I ask you for help if you
can support me to go to US and live in California to become a nun or
lay worker. To learn more and share with the Deaf to know more about
God and the Catholic faith.

Please feel free to email me.

May God bless you!

Sarah [email protected]

-------------< EPILOG >

If you wish to contribute to this newsletter, feel free to send in
news, stories, and opinions relating to the disability community. Your
support for this effort to move the disability community forward will
be greatly appreciated. We will continue to aggressively pursue
justice, fairness, and equality for the disability community as it has
been doing since November 1996. We have chosen that EDUCATION is the
best way accomplish this objective.

Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center is a community based organization
that puts people with disabilities first in their advocacy for equal
opportunities in safety, health, and productive living.

The Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center provides services for disabled
individuals and their families in our community who need help in
navigating the social services maze go without proper food, shelter,
and essential medical care every day due to a variety of factors
including low wages, job loss, injuries, illness, age, domestic
violence, or divorce. While all of us are susceptible to hard times,
disabled individuals are at the most risk. With the generous support
of people like you, we are able to help many of these families and
individuals not only to meet essential daily needs, but to work toward
a brighter future with programs in job training, education,
counseling, elderly assistance, and temporary housing.

Feel free to forward this email message to any one and any of your
personal mailing lists so we can get the important messages out far
and wide and encourage them to sign up for our weekly newsletter.

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